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Template Tags by Type

There are many different types of template tags in Movable Type, and each type describes a different kind of information that you might want to publish on your site. Here, we’ve grouped almost all of the available tags into a small number of types so that you can find them based on the kind of information you’d like to display.

There’s a full alphabetical list of tags, as well.

Archives: Archive tags let you output lists of archives, create links to them, and provide titles and other information about archive listings.

Assets: You can publish any asset in Movable Type’s asset management system using asset template tags, along with the asset’s score, any tags describing the asset, and metadata like its title, description, and size.

Authors: There are template tags to output all information about authors on your system, either in a system-wide context or for publishing information about the author of an individual entry or page.

Websites: Websites template tags offer fundamental information about your website’s configuration, and some options for multi-blog aggregation. ( Movable Type 5 )

Blogs: Blog template tags offer fundamental information about your blog’s configuration, and some options for multi-blog aggregation.

Calendars: If you’d like to include a calendar-style listing of your blog content, calendar template tags will do the trick.

Categories: Category template tags are handy both for publishing lists of categories that you use on your site as well as outputting information about the categories that an individual entry belongs to.

Comments and TrackBacks: All of the feedback on your site can be published using comment and TrackBack tags, along with conditional tags to change what’s published depending on your comment settings.

Counts: There are lots of different items in MT that you might want to count and display on your blog — assets, entries, pages and more. Counting template tags let you do exactly that.

Creative Commons: Movable Type was the first platform to integrate Creative Commons license options right into the tool, and the CC template tags let you publish machine-readable versions of those licenses on your site.

Date and Time: Movable Type manages many dates and times, for events such as when your content is created or updated, and these can all be published using date and time template tags.

Entries: Entries are the heart of MT’s publishing system, so there are lots and lots of template tags for outputting every single aspect of entries, along with their associated data and information like categories and tags.

Feeds: Feeds are a mysterious mistress — best not to tread where these template tags will lead you!

Folders: MT’s folder management system works hand-in-hand with its asset management, and folder tags let you link to folders and display information about them.

IDs: Every object in Movable Type, from entries to authors to assets, has its own unique system ID, generated by your database. You can do fancy tricks with these IDs, or just use them to reference objects, all by using ID template tags.

Logic: Get yer Spock on with logic template tags — all of the ifs, thens, elses, unlesses, and fors you need to do some serious programming-style templates. Logic tags also let you set up parts of your template that publish based on the content or settings of your blog.

Pages: Just like with entries, pages form the heart of what you can publish with MT, and the pages template tags provide access to all the information that makes up a page.

Search: Search template tags are perfect for customizing your search results to appear exactly the way you want them to.

Tags: This might seem a little tricky — you can use template tags to publish the Tags you use on your entries and pages. Don’t worry, you’ll get the hang of it. And you can even do fancy stuff like tag clouds.

App: App template tags are used by the MT administration screens. You probably won’t need (or want!) to mess with these unless you’re customizing the application itself.

System: System template tags offer some insights into broad, system-wide settings for your MT install. A few of these are handy for setting defaults in your published templates, or for outputting the location of the various scripts that make your MT install run.




Websites (Movable Type 5)




Comments and TrackBacks


Creative Commons

Custom Fields

Date and Time





Logic Tags (If/Then/Else)



Themes (Movable Type 5)



