This template tag will return the website’s specified language for date display. This setting can be changed on the website’s settings screen.
(optional; default “0”): If set to true (“1”), will format the language in the style “languageLOCALE” (ie: “enUS”, “de_DE”, etc).ietf
(optional; default “0”): If set to true (“1”), will change any ‘_’ in the language code to a ‘-‘, conforming it to the IETF RFC # 3066.
<mt:WebsiteLanguage locale="1">
will return
(assuming “English” was chosen in the Website’s Language field in the Settings screen)
Kafe on October 1, 2012, 1:59 p.m. Reply
Hmz.. don`t understand that.. if i want to set germany for default language i can set
locale:deDE or LanguageLOCALE:de_DE ?!?
Please help..