Produces the dirified basename defined for the category in context.
A value to use in the event that no category is in context.
Valid values are dash “-” (default) and underscore “_”. Specifying an underscore will convert any dashes to underscores. Specifying a dash will convert any underscores to dashes.
If the basename of the category “News & Press” is news_press
then this tag will output the dashed version news-press
<$mt:CategoryBasename separator="-"$>
For an overview of how to use category tags like mt:CategoryBasename, check out Managing Categories in Movable Type.
Violet on July 1, 2010, 8:51 a.m. Reply
The link for “Managing Categories in Movable Type” in the last sentence needs to be updated to:
kace on May 3, 2011, 10:09 a.m. Reply
link to “Managing Categories in Movable Type” is a 404.