A container tag used to output infomation about the asset tags assigned to the asset in context.
To avoid printing out the leading text when no asset tags are assigned you can use the AssetIfTagged conditional block to first test for asset tags on the asset. You can also use the AssetIfTagged conditional block with the tag attribute to test for the assignment of a particular entry tag.
- glue
A text string that is used to join each of the items together. For example:
<mt:AssetTags glue=", "><$mt:TagName$></mt:AssetTags>
would print out each tag name separated by a comma and a space.
The following code can be used anywhere Assets can be used. It prints a list of all of the tags assigned to each asset returned by Assets glued together by a comma and a space.
<mt:If tag="AssetTags"> The asset "<$mt:AssetLabel$>" is tagged: <mt:AssetTags glue=", "><$mt:TagName$></mt:AssetTags> </mt:If>