A specialized version of mt:Entries that is aware of subcategories. The difference between the two tags is the behavior of the category attribute.
<!-- do something -->
The value of this attribute is a category label. This will include any entries to that category and any of its subcategories.
Since it is possible for two categories to have the same label, you can specify one particular category by including its ancestors, separated by slashes.
For instance if you have a category “Flies” and within it a subcategory labeled “Fruit”, you can ask for that category with category=”Flies/Fruit”. This would distinguish it from a category labeled “Fruit” within another called “Food Groups”, for example, which could be identified using category=”Food Groups/Fruit”.
If any category in the ancestor chain has a slash in its label, the label must be quoted using square brackets: category=”Beverages/[Coffee/Tea]” identifies a category labeled Coffee/Tea within a category labeled Beverages.
You can also use any of the other attributes available to mt:Entries; and they should behave just as they do with the original tag.
Because this tag is essentially a pre-filtered version of mt:Entries
, please see mt:Entries for more examples.