The label of the category in context. The current category in context can be placed there by either the following contexts (in order of precedence):
- the current category you might be by looping through a list of mt:Categories
- the current category archive template/mapping you are in
- the primary category of the current entry in context
List all Category Labels linked their respective category archives:
<a href="<$mt:ArchiveLink type="Category"$>"><$mt:CategoryLabel$></a>
Tip: Due to legacy taging the
function tag will output the same value as themt:FolderLabel
function tag when used in the context of a page. Unlike themt:PageFolder
tag which is block tag and must be used with themt:FolderLabel
tag.Use this
<mt:If tag="EntryCategory" eq="Appendix: Configuration Directives"> This main folder for this page is "Appendix: Configuration Directives". Confirmation using `mt:EntryCategory`: "<$mt:EntryCategory$>". </mt:If>