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A block tag which iterates over a list of published pages from a blog and outputs a selection of pages that are appropriate for the context used and the template being published.


A pages is a class of Entry, essentially non-date-based Entries. Thus all attributes of the Entries tag can also be used with Pages. Refer to the Entries documentation for all of its attributes, sorting options, and examples.

Page-related tags can be used inside the mt:Pages loop block. Most page-related tags are alias’ of Entry-related tags, thus most can be used interchangeably.

In the same way folder is a class of category.


All of the non entry-specific attributes of Entries can be used with Pages. Refer to the Entries documentation for all of its attributes, sorting options, and examples.

Attributes unique to Pages:


Filter the resulting pages by a particular folder. Use the Folder Label (not Folder Basename) as the value. Similar to Entries “category” attribute.

<mt:Pages folder="About Us">


Boolean value, 1 or 0 (default). If specified in conjunction with the folder attribute, pages assigned to subfolders of the identified folder/folders will be included in the set of pages. Similar to the “include_subcategories” attribute in Entries.

Specify ‘1’ to cause all pages that may exist within subfolders to the folder in context to be included.

Return pages in the folder “About Us” and any pages in subfolders of the “About Us” folder:

<mt:Pages folder="About Us" include_subfolders="1">


Returns all pages not associated to a folder.

<mt:Pages no_folder="1">


See the Entries template tag for all attributes and examples.

Display the 10 most recent pages in the folder “Locations”:

<mt:Pages folder="Locations" lastn="10">

Display the pages in the folder “Locations” sorted by title, listed in ascending order:

<mt:Pages folder="Locations" sort_by="title" sort_order="ascend">

1 Comment

danielmweb on January 25, 2012, 12:42 p.m. Reply

Im suppose the tag is: “PageTitle”

PageLabel doesnt work