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Movable Type 4.1 Documentation

The following page aggregates all of the additions and changes made to the documentation in support of the release of Movable Type 4.1. What is listed below does not constitute the complete documentation for Movable Type, just what has changed in this release.

  • What’s New. Get an overview of the major new features are in the release
  • Change Log. View an exhaustive list of all the bugs that have been fixed in this release.
  • Professional Pack Documentation. All paid customers are entitled to the Movable Type Professional Pack, which includes features like Custom Fields and the Professional Website Template Set (formally known as the “Universal Template Set”).

Users and Authors



  • New Template Tags. See a list of all the new template tags introduced in Movable Type 4.1, along with a summary of other changes.
  • Using Shared Templates. Use global templates to easily modify the look and feel of all of your websites and blogs.


Professional Pack Documentation

  • Custom Fields. Edit the meta data associated with all of your entries, pages, categories, folders and more.
  • Professional Website Template Set. Quickly and easily deploy a complete blog and web site, complete with an About and Contact page.


Toe on February 15, 2008, 10:58 a.m. Reply

I cannot find any documentation as to the difference between the open source and the paid version. Shouldn’t that be defined somewhere? Or at the very least, shouldn’t there be a “Features” page that tries to explain what MTOS does? Pretty much every other piece of software I have seen has a Features list.

Also, I do not see any link from this website to the MT forums. That seems like a good source for “supplemental documentation.” So:

Byrne Reese

Byrne Reese on March 31, 2008, 5:31 p.m. Reply

@L Evensen - does the following URL help?