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Movable Type 6.2 Release Notes

This version of Movable Type was released October 8, 2015.


Improved asset management features.

Upload multiple files asynchronously

You can upload multiple files by drag-and-drop from the posting screen and also from the “Upload Asset” menu. When upload is finished, you can edit the name, description and tags on the fly.

Edit images easily

This new feature provide image editing function. You can scale images, rotate images and cropping images before to inserting the entries and web pages. Also, you can remove the GPS metadata and EXIF metadata.

  • Rotation (per 90 degrees)
  • Flip horizontally
  • Flip vertically
  • Scaling
  • Cropping
  • Remove GPS/EXIF metadata

Renaming non-ascii filename at upload

If uploaded file contains non-ascii character, Movable Type will rename filename to 40 ascii characters if this feature enabled.

Setting default upload settings per each site

Website administrator (and Blog administrator) can configure default settings for upload that including default upload destination and more. The setting items are as follows:

  • Default upload destination
    • Site Root
    • Site Root / the basename for uploading user
    • Site Root / year
    • Site Root / Year / Month
    • Site Root / Year / Month / Day
  • Automatic rename of non-ascii filename
  • The operation when a file exists
    • Upload by different name
    • Overwrite
    • Cancel upload
  • Automatically normalize orientation

New filter item for list of assets

A list of assets may now display the assets where the file does not exist by “Missing File” filter item.

Data API v3

Changed the authentication password

In the Data API v3, authentication password for “/authentication” endpoint was changed from user’s password to user’s web services password. The reason is security improvement. v1 and v2 are not changed.

Possible to filter by date range.

The endpoints that list the objects such as listEntries, can now do filtering by date range.

(optional, default: created_on) … Specifies the field name to be used as a date field.
(optional) … The start date. Specify in “YYYY-MM-DD” format.
(optional) … The end date. Specify in “YYYY-MM-DD” format.

Possible to restrict access to any application on PSGI environment

On the PSGI environment, all applications of Movable Type are loaded in the initialize phase automatically. If you do not want to load any application, you can specify application ID with this new configuration directive. See below for more detail. – Documentation: RestrictedPSGIApp

New event for MultiBlog rebuild trigger

Now, you can make a rebuild trigger with unpublishes entries/pages event. This event will be fired when an entry/page has passed the Unpublished Date and its status is changed to unpublished by run-periodic-tasks.

Content Sync Improvement (Movable Type Advanced)

Ability to sync all files at “Sync now”

When you run an immediate delivery by “Sync now”, rather than synchronize the difference between the previous delivery a result, it is now possible to perform all of the files and directories as a target again.

Suppress the double launch

When the same set of content sync is already running, double launch is now suppressed. This change improves the stability of the content sync.

New configuration directives for verification method of the SSL certification

Basically, Movable Type does not allow communication to external site by HTTPS, SMTPS, LDAPS and FTPS using a self-signed certificate or non-valid SSL certification from this version. If Mozilla::CA Perl module is missing or you put SSLVerifyNone (or individual directives for protocols.) into mt-config.cgi, Movable Type will not verify SSL certification. See below in New Configuration Directives for more detail.

Update jQuery and jQuery UI

In this version, jQuery and jQuery UI have been updated to latest version.

  • jQuery: v2.1.4
  • jQuery UI: v1.11.4

Update TinyMCE 3

TinyMCE 3 has been updated.

  • tinyMCE 3: v3.5.11

Supports Perl 5.18.x and 5.20.x

Perl 5.18.x and 5.20.x are now officially supported. Recommended version is Perl 5.18.x. Perl 5.22.x is not recommended because it has not yet been verified.

Supports Microsoft SQL Server 2014 (Movable Type Advanced)

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2014 (Azure SQL Database V12) has been added to the supported databases.

New configuration directives

EnableUploadCompat (0|1)

If set to 1, re-enable previous upload screen that was changed in Movable Type 6.2. If you want to use plugins that are not compatible, enable this directive.

The default value is 0 (disabled)

ImageQualityJpeg (0-100)

The compression ratio of the JPEG image from 0 to 100.

The default value is 75.

ImageQualityPng (0-9)

The compression ratio of the PNG image from 0 to 9.

The default value is 7.

DBMaxProcedureParams ( > 1)

For the Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle databases, there is an upper limit to the number of parameters that can be specified at one time. If you want to load a number of records higher than this limit, then if you put DBMaxProcedureParams into mt-config.cgi, Movable Type will read the records per DBMaxProcedureParams recursively. Typically, you do not need to set this.

The default value is 1000


Specify a value of X-Frame-Options header. Possible values are follows.

The screens made by Movable Type are not allowed to be displayed in the frame.
The screens made by Movable Type are allowed to be displayed in the frame if the domain is the same.
The screens made by Movable Type are allowed to be displayed in the frame if that domain is the same as specified one.

The default value is SAMEORIGIN

SMTPSSLVerifyNone (0 | 1)

If specify 1, Movable Type does not verify SSL certification via SMTPS communication.

The default value is 0.

FTPSSSLVerifyNone (0|1)

If specify 1, Movable Type does not verify SSL certification via FTPS communication.

The default value is 0.

LDAPSSLVerifyNone (0|1)

If specify 1, Movable Type does not verify SSL certification via LDAPS communication.

The default value is 0.


If specify 1, Movable Type does not verify SSL certification via all of SSL communications.

The default value is 0.


Specifies the SSL version to allow communication in SMTPS. In the initial configuration, to allow only TLSv1.

The default value is ‘SSLv23:!SSLv3:!SSLv2’.


Specifies the SSL version to allow communication in FTPS. In the initial configuration, to allow only TLSv1.

The default value is ‘SSLv23:!SSLv3:!SSLv2’.


Specifies the SSL version to allow communication in LDAPS. In the initial configuration, to allow only TLSv1.

The default value is ‘SSLv23:!SSLv3:!SSLv2’.


Specifies the SSL version to allow communication in all SSL communications. In the initial configuration, to allow only TLSv1.

The default value is ‘SSLv23:!SSLv3:!SSLv2’.


Specifies the option of SMTP communication described in the = format. Typically, you do not need to set this. For example, if you specify a timeout value, it should be set in this way.

SMTPOptions Timeout=300

The default is empty.


Specifies the option of FTPS communication described in the = format. Typically, you do not need to set this. For example, if you specify a timeout value, it should be set in this way.

FTPSOptions Timeout=300

The default is empty.


Specifies the option of LDAP communication described in the = format. Typically, you do not need to set this. For example, if you specify a timeout value, it should be set in this way.

LDAPOptions timeout=300

The default is empty.


When Movable Type is running in a PSGI environment, Movable Type applications will be loaded even if you rename or delete the CGI file. If you want to restrict access to any application, you must set application ID with this directive in mt-config.cgi.

The default is empty.

New Template Tags


The numeric system ID of the blog of the asset currently in context. If asset belongs to the system, this template tag will return 0.

pad (0 | 1)
If specify 1, the value will displays as a 6-digit string.
Example: 000001

The default value is 0.

New Modifiers

encode_json = “1”

Encodes any special characters so that the string can be used safely in JSON. This modifier is available for every function tag.

top = “1”

If specified with MTComments,gets a list of comments that do not contain a reply. Also, if specified with the following tags, gets a count of comments that do not contain a reply.

  • MTEntryCommentCount
  • MTCategoryCommentCount
  • MTBlogCommentCount
  • MTWebsiteCommentCount

Discontinued product: Loupe

Loupe is no longer shipped beginning with Movable Type 6.2. However, Loupe will continue to be provided as an open source product, but it is provided without technical support.


Added required Perl module

“Parent” Perl module is now a required module. It is distributed as a core module from Perl 5.10.1. However, if this module is not installed, you will need to install it separately.

Deprecated Privileges

“Save Image Defaults” privilege is now marked as deprecated because upload and insert option screens were changed. The default settings of images are now in blog/website settings.

Google OpenID authentication is no longer available.

Google OpenID authentication is no longer available because it is no longer provided by Google. We are preparing to provide new Google authentication method.


Net::SMTP::SSL and Net::SMTP::TLS will no longer be used when sending email. Net::SMTPS that is shipped in extlib is now used.


Websites and blogs

  • The input values in new blog/website creation screen will be kept even if an error occurred such as cannot write to directory.(#113196)
  • The link to child blog from blog list now works when user has appropriate permissions. (#112927)
  • The trailing slash for site path is now removed automatically. (#112920)

Entries and Pages

  • An extra tag is no longer inserted into wysiwyg editor when entering text using Chrome or Safari. (#113097)
  • The link that is in update-notification mail now works even if object is a page. (#113101)
  • The word-wrapping in wysiwyg editor now works when using Firefox 36 or later. (#112833)
  • A revision history for entries and pages are now saved when removing an object tag. (#112848)
  • The basename for entries and pages are no longer duplicated when Movable Type is run on PSGI environment. (#112995)
  • The save button on a preview page is now not run twice even if user double-clicks it. (#112662)
  • Tag autocompletion now works when the browser is Safari. (#113239)


  • The thumbnail image for a transparent PNG now keeps the transparency when the image driver is NetPBM. (#113256)
  • The link to the asset detail screen that is in the Assets widget on the edit entry screen is now correct when inserted asset is belongs to a child blog. (#113297)

Backup and Restore

  • The order for folders is now restored correctly when restoring from backed up data. (#113258)
  • The URL in image type custom fields is now converted correctly when restoring from backed up data. (#113165)
  • The website is now restored correctly when the backed up data contains websites and blogs. (#113358)
  • An extra trailing slash on the site path will never applied when restoring from backed up data. (#112725)


  • The community forum theme now works when the publishing profile is dynamic publishing. (#113042, #113025)

Content Sync (Movable Type Advanced)

  • Saving settings of content sync now works when IO::Socket::SSL is not installed. (#111327)
  • The mt-config.cgi will never be sent to remote server. (#111320)
  • Temporary files will be removed when content sync exits abnormally. (#112895)
  • “Immediately content sync” now works when a scheduled sync is already running on the Windows OS. (#112929)
  • The settings list of content sync is now not displayed when the user does not have permission. (#113144)
  • Rsync based content sync now works when it contains nested directory. (#113419)


  • A website is now selectable as a trigger when creating a new trigger. (#112754)

Smartphone Option

  • The link for configuration of site stats is now not displayed when in smartphone view. (#113236)

Dynamic Publishing

  • Addressed an issue with compatibility of PHP. (#113260)
  • MTFolder now works when displaying root folder. (#113168)

Google Analytics Plugin

  • Google Analytics now works when received data is over 100,000 bytes. (#113047)


  • In Microsoft SQL Server, all tables are processed on every upgrade. This issue has been resolved. (#112981)
  • During an upgrade, the task that removes the system profile template is running every time. This issues has been resolved. (#112982)
  • The value of blog_id now keeps correct value when resultset of the search contains multiple websites and blogs. (#113136)
  • The search now works even if blog_id is not specified. (#113059)

For Developers

  • When loading MT::Object based object with id parameter, now can provide class parameter. (#113049)
  • Data API v2 SDK for JavaScript now contains the information for the newly added endpoints. (#113194)
  • Resolved an issue where Movable Type was not able to handle transmission errors when sending email by MT::Mail. (#112834)
  • objectasset_embedded field in MT::ObjectAsset is marked as deprecated. This is likely to be deleted in the future. (#112321)


  • normalize.css now outputs no warnings. (#112773)
  • The column width of TheSchwartz errors is now extended because some error messages are too long. (#108822)
  • URI Perl module is updated to 1.67. (#113103)
  • run-periodic-tasks now outputs no warnings. (#112856)
  • The system now works with Strawberry Perl for Windows 5.20.2. (#112852)
  • The max length for strings on Microsoft SQL Server is now processed by the correct length. (#112977)
  • Removed unnecessary vendor-prefix from CSS files. (#113034)
  • Improved analysis processing logic of tag modifier and category modifier. (#113085)
  • The date field and time field now displays input example as placeholder. (#111206)
  • Improved error messages resulting from communication error with LDAP server. (#112212)
  • The link to rebuild pages is now displayed when import entries is finished. (#113072)
  • Pages are now rebuilt when replacing strings in templates. (#113102)
  • Auto save now works when returning from preview. (#113240)


  • Microsoft Edge browser is not supported yet because in the wysiwyg editor, some actions do not work correctly. Please use Internet Explorer 11 instead.
  • In the image editor, cropping area is not displayed correctly when cropping after resizing image. Please save resized image before cropping.

There are several known issues and restrictions with Movable Type 6. For more information, please see Movable Type 6 Installation Notes.


The release of Movable Type 6.2 brings with it a large number of improvements that were made possible by the help and support of Movable Type community members. We would like to include a special shout out to the following members for their contributions to this update:

  • Natalie Podrazik: #84318
  • Ryo Inoue: #112361
  • taiju@alfasado: #113049, #111852, #113194, #113097, #112814, #111894, #112235, #112662, #112681
  • Shingo Watanabe: #113258, #113297, #113101, #113136, #112754
  • Dan Wolfgang: #113297, #113312
  • Maarten Schenk: #108822
  • yasuhisa yanagi: #113155
  • Mihai Bocsaru: #112804
  • Yuijro Araki: #112848
  • onagatani: #112856
  • Kondoh@alfasado: #112859, #111592
  • BUN @ Twitter: #113050

All bugs are documented through an external site. A FogBugz account is required in order to view case details.
