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System: General Settings

System Email

The email address used in the From: header of each email sent from the system. The address is used in password recovery, commenter registration, comment, trackback notification and a few other minor events.

Debug Mode

Provides various levels of debug feedback in the app and logs.

Warning: If the respective config directive is set in the mt-config.cgi it will override the value submitted here. The value set in mt-config.cgi will be displayed instead of the value submitted. Once the config directive is removed from mt-config.cgi the value last submitted here will be used.

Performance Logging

When performance logging is enabled, Movable Type will attempt to log as much information as it can during the life-cycle of a request. Doing so will provide valuable information regarding specific areas of the application that could benefit from performance tuning, and will allow users to more easily analyze what within their system may be contributing to poor performance.

Warning: If the respective config directive is set in the mt-config.cgi it will override the value submitted here. The value set in mt-config.cgi will be displayed instead of the value submitted. Once the config directive is removed from mt-config.cgi the value last submitted here will be used.

Logging Threshold

UI for the PerformanceLoggingPath config directive. See PerformanceLogging config directive for more info.

Warning: If the respective config directive is set in the mt-config.cgi it will override the value submitted here. The value set in mt-config.cgi will be displayed instead of the value submitted. Once the config directive is removed from mt-config.cgi the value last submitted here will be used.

Send Test Email

Provides the ability to send a test email though the app.
