Movable Type Beta License Agreement
By Byrne Reese and posted on May 31, 2007.
This Beta License Agreement is between you and Six Apart, Ltd., a Japanese corporation ("Six Apart") and governsyour use of the beta (test) version of MOVABLE TYPE software, relatedsoftware components, and documentation (all of which are referred to hereinas the "Beta Software").BY DOWNLOADING, INSTALLING OR USING THE BETA SOFTWARE, YOU AGREE TO BEBOUND BY THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL OF THE TERMS OF THISAGREEMENT, DO NOT DOWNLOAD, INSTALL OR USE THE BETA SOFTWARE.Evaluation License. The Beta Software is licensed to you solely forevaluation purposes. You may install the Beta Software on a singlewebsite, residing on a single server for your use to evaluate the BetaSoftware. This is Beta test software, and as such, WILL CONTAIN BUGS ANDMAY CAUSE DATA LOSS. You may make one (1) copy of the Beta Software inmachine readable form solely for back-up purposes, provided you reproducethe Beta Software in its original form and with all proprietary notices onthe back-up copy.Restrictions on Use. You may not: * Create derivative works based on the Beta Software; * Reproduce the Beta Software except as described in this Agreement; * Sell, assign, license, disclose, or otherwise transfer or make available the Beta Software or any copies...
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Installing the Movable Type Software
By Byrne Reese and posted in Getting Started on May 31, 2007.
If you have double checked to make sure you have everything you need to get started, then you are ready to proceed with the installation.Step One: Download Movable TypeGetting the Movable Type software is simple and completely free. To download the latest version of Movable Type visit the Movable Type download page and follow the simple instructions available there.If you are successful a file will either be automatically downloaded to your machine or your system will prompt you in order to ask where you would like to save the file being downloaded.Step Two: Unzip Movable Type Once you have download the Movable Type archive, you should unzip it onto your local machine. Doing so will create a new folder on your machine labeled "MT4-Beta1-date.tar.gz" or "" depending upon which file you downloaded.When you unzip Movable Type, be sure you preserve file permissions and the path or directory structure if you are given the option to do so.Step Three: Upload Movable Type to your Web ServerOnce the file has been downloaded and unzipped onto your hard drive, you will need to upload the files to the server Movable Type will be hosted from. This is best accomplished using an FTP...
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Welcome to MTOS: the Movable Type Open Source Project (archived page)
By Byrne Reese and posted in Open Source Project on June 3, 2007.
The Movable Type Open Source Project was announced in conjunction with the launch of the Movable Type 4 Beta on June 5th, 2007. The MTOS Project is a community and Six Apart driven project that will produce an open source version of the Movable Type Publishing Platform that will form the core of all other Movable Type products. Join the MTOS Community Join the MTOS developer community now by subscribing to the mtos-dev mailing list. Parties interested on in receiving news and announcements regarding the project can choose to join the mtos-announce mailing list. What is the Movable Type Open Source project? Movable Type Open Source, or MTOS, is the open source project that will consist of a GPL-licensed version of Movable Type 4.0, to be released in Q3 2007 Q4 2007, and resources for the already large community of Movable Type developers, hosted at What is the time frame for a release of the Open Source project? MTOS will be released by the end of 2007. Why an open source option? It's simple: our customers and our community have asked for an open source version of Movable Type. Many customers and developers in the Movable Type community were...
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"Powered By MT4" badges for your blog
By Byrne Reese and posted on June 4, 2007.
Trick out your blog powered by Movable Type 4 with your very own "Powered By" badge. There are a number of badges to choose from: Powered By Movable Type on Black HTML: <a href=""><img alt="mt4-bug-pbmt-black.png" src="../../../../images/mt4-bug-pbmt-black.png" class="mt-image-left" height="75" width="120"></a> Powered By Movable Type on White HTML: <a href=""><img alt="mt4-bug-pbmt-black.png" src="../../../../images/mt4-bug-pbmt-white.png" class="mt-image-left" height="75" width="120"></a>...
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MT4 Readme
By Byrne Reese and posted in Beta on June 4, 2007.
Welcome to Movable Type Thank you for choosing Movable Type, the premiere solution for all your blogging needs. This file will show you how to get up and running; click on the highlighted sections for more information on that subject. Before You Begin Movable Type requires the following applications: Perl 5.6.1 or greater; A web server like Apache, or Windows IIS; Access to a database like MySQL, SQLite or Postgres; The following Perl modules: DBI Image::Size CGI::Cookie Consult the following documentation to learn how to determine if a perl module is already installed and, if they are not, how to install them. Upgrading Movable Type If you are upgrading to Movable Type 4 from a previous version, we recommend that you first back up your old installation. Then upload Movable Type 4's files over your old ones. Access Movable Type as you normally do, and you will be taken through the upgrade process. Installing Movable Type Before you install Movable Type: Upload all of Movable Type's files into a folder accessible via your web browser. (Typically, this folder is called 'mt' in the root folder of your website. Ensure that each .cgi file (e.g. mt.cgi, mt-search.cgi, etc) found in...
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Apache Configuration Help
By Byrne Reese and posted in Documentation on June 8, 2007.
Movable Type is supported on a number of different web servers, but perhaps the most popular is the Apache Web Server. Below is a quick guide to help people setup their Apache Web Server to run Movable Type 4.Virtually all unix machines come with Perl already on the machine, but they all setup support for CGI just a little bit differently, which sometimes requires users to do some tweaking before they can get started. There are primarily two predominant configurations of Apache that will be discussed, running MT inside and outside of cgi-bin. Running Movable Type Inside cgi-bin Most commonly web servers are setup with a cgi-bin directory pre-configured. If you choose to run Movable Type in this directory, there is a limitation about the cgi-bin directory you must be aware of: static files such as images, stylesheets and javascript cannot be served or read by a web browser from this directory. Only CGI scripts can run here. Period. Nothing else.Therefore you must place the 'mt-static' directory found within Movable Type in a different web accessible directory. This often goes into the root directory of your web server.Once that has been done you need to edit your mt-config.cgi file, or...
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Movable Type Registry Reference
By Byrne Reese and posted in Registry Reference on June 8, 2007.
Frequently in this manual certain conventions and terminology will be used in reference to specific design and implementation patterns. In lieu of defining these constructs and conventions over and over again, they are defined below. Familiarizing yourself with these concepts and terms will greatly enhance your ability to understand the contents of this reference manual. Registry Syntax Registry configuration files are expressed in YAML syntax. YAML is a simple, lightweight markup language for representing simple data structures in a platform and language independent way. For more information about YAML's syntax, visit its homepage. Data Type scalar Then the type SCALAR is specifically defined for a registry key or item, which is the default value for all registry keys, then there can be one and only one value associated with the key. If an item is added to the registry for which their is already a corresponding name/value pair, then the value of the item being added will overwrite the previous value. array When the type ARRAY is specifically defined for a registry key or item, then the value of that registry item is assumed to have multiple values. If an item is added to the registry for which their is...
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Movable Type 4.0 Beta Change Log
By Byrne Reese and posted in 4.0 on June 12, 2007.
This page contains a detailed change log that was maintained during the Movable Type 4.0 Beta period. Release Candidate 4 Release Candidate 3 Release Candidate 2 Release Candidate 1 Beta 7 Beta 6 Beta 5 Beta 4 Beta 3 Beta 2 Release Candidate 4 - Released August 7, 2007 56344: mt-search always fails after upgrade from MT 3.2 or earlier FIXED: We found a condition in which by upgrading a blog from before 3.2, a time in which a search results template did not exist in the edit templates area, by installing this new system template search would no longer function because it was reliant upon Header/Footer/Sidebar modules to be present, which are NOT installed automatically. The fix was simple: the search results system template is not installed for you and MT will continue to rely on your Search Template found on the file system for generating your search results. 56189: Can't write an entry on IIS5/6 with perlis.dll FIXED: A user reported problems under IIS in which MT would work under perl.exe, but not under the ISAPI module perlis.dll. This ended up being related to an obscure localization issue that has been fixed. 56158: Restore screen lost the banner...
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MT4 on EC2
By Byrne Reese and posted on June 16, 2007.
In yet another very exciting development coming from the re-invigorated Movable Type community, Tim Appnel of Appnel Solutions and Blogcast, has put together a Movable Type 4.0 Image on Amazon's EC2 Service (Elastic Compute Cloud).For those of you who are unfamiliar with EC2, it is a Web service offered by Amazon that allows users to create virtual machines on the Internet quickly and easily. Need a Fedora Server? Click, done. Need a Ubuntu machine? Click, done. And now: need a machine running Movable Type 4? Click, done.It really is that simple. It's kinda scary. Amazon is simply doing some amazing stuff in the arena of Web services, from EC2 to S3. And they are real. Smug Mug, for example, detailed exactly how they were migrating all of photos to use Amazon's S3 storage solution and it saved themselves millions of dollars in the process. I know Tim has used EC2 to setup obscure testing environments for software he was developing, and I use their web services to maintain a back up of all my personal photos and to power Media Manager. I have read a lot of blog posts from around the Interweb from people speculating on who the "next...
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TrackBack Manual
By Byrne Reese and posted in Documentation on June 25, 2007.
Table of Contents Setting up TrackBack Using TrackBack TrackBack Ping Format Movable Type's TrackBack system allows peer-to-peer communication and conversations between weblogs. Imagine that you write about a movie you just saw in an entry on your Movable Type-powered weblog. Another MT weblogger reads your entry, and wants to write an entry referencing your original post. He could just comment on your weblog, but he'd like to keep the post in his own database and host it on his site. Using TrackBack, the other weblogger can automatically send a ping to your weblog, indicating that he has written an entry referencing your original post. This accomplishes two things: On your site, you can automatically list all sites that have referenced a particular post, allowing visitors to your site to read the response on the other user's weblog. It provides a firm, explicit link between his entry and yours, as opposed to an implicit link (like a referrer log) that depends upon outside action (someone clicking on the link to your entry). You can use TrackBack for more than just communication on particular entries, however. You can also associate TrackBack pings URLs with categories in your weblog. Whenever you post...
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