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This page contains a detailed change log that was maintained during the Movable Type 4.0 Beta period.
54750: Integrate author and date-based category archives into the core
The extensible archives plugin and the associated plugins like
Date-based category and author author archives plugins have been folded
into the core and removed from the plugins directory. Users upgrading
from Beta 7 and before should remove these "old" plugins manually from
their plugins directory.
53902: Integration of Rebuild Queue
FEATURE: The Rebuild Queue plugin has been fully integrated into the application. Rebuild Queue provides MT with a scalable asynchronous background publishing system. It allows any and all pages within a blog to be published by a set of dedicated workers that can be distributed across a number of different machines. Furthermore, the Rebuild Queue plugin has been rearchitected to utilize "The Schwartz" - an open source job and event management system create by Six Apart and used to power Vox, LiveJournal and TypePad.
48562: [UI] Backup/Restore feature needs to look better
FIXED: The Movable Type Backup and Restore features have been fully updated to fit MT4's new look and feel.
52947: Settings Tweaks
CHANGE: Over the course of the beta process we received feedback about the organization of blog and system preferences. We also have gained a lot more experience in the process of setting up and configured new blogs. Taking into account all of this feedback and experience we have slightly reorganized a number of the settings found under Blog Preferences and System Settings.
55084: MT needs to track and expose the manner of authentication for users
FEATURE: A new database column named 'auth_type' has been added to the mt_author table. This new column stores a user's authentiation method. For authors, this would be MT. For commenters, this might be MT, Vox, LiveJournal, TypeKey, Vox, or perhaps something else. With this new information we display the logo of the service used to authenticate to movable type next to the user's both on the published blog and within the application. This will help differentiate for example between the local user named 'byrnereese' and the TypeKey user also named 'byrnereese' both of which may exist within the system.
55033: Edit Profile Styling
FIXED: The look and feel of the user profile area has been updated slightly along with a few layout changes. One notable change is how we treat the password fields which are now hidden unless a user elects to change their current password.
54809: First entry and comment should be L10'ed for EMEA languages
L10N - the first entry and comment that are installed on a blog by default are now properly localizable.
53011: Syntax Highlighting toggle icons
FIXED - The toggle buttons on the syntax highlighting editor have been changed to look more like syntax toggle buttons.
49886: Need a new icon for "Pending authors"
FIXED - we have added a new icon to differentiate between authors with a status of "pending" from other authors in the system.
50451: Implement page specific context sensitive help links
FIXED - We have inserted a "Help" link at the top of every page. This will point to our new documentation site when it is released in the coming days/weeks. When applicable, the link will direct a user to a context sensitive help topic for the page they are currently visiting in the app.
52158: Button Styling App-Wide
FIXED: Buttons within the application are now consistently styled using the new MT4 style.
48418: Filterable user listing by role
FEATURE: The user listing table for a blog now lists users and each of their roles (one row per user), and allows users to filter the listing to show "only users with the role of author" for example. Dope if I do say so myself.
53317: New TrackBack Ping alert email lacks links to view and edit trackback
FIXED: TrackBack and Comment notification emails have been revised to contain more useful links and information.
53271: Kill "User#1" - include display name in initial set-up sequence
FIXED - A user's display name will no longer display "User#1" when a display name is not provided. In such a circumstance the user's username will be used instead.
54724: Add "Add user to blog" link to blog level Manage > Users table
FEATURE - A "Add user to blog" link has been added to the user listing screen for a blog.
55197: Update animated "Publishing" icon
change - animated publishing icon updated slightly
55264: Edit | (Publish or Reply) for comment listing
FIXED - The "Reply" link for published comments has been relocated so that it is easier to find. It is now located next to the "Edit" link for a comment, and it is *always* visible as opposed to visible on hover only.
45146: Nokia Lifeblog Protocol support to
FEATURE (EXPERIMENTAL): Nokia LifeBlog protocol is now supported in Movable Type 4. You can post photos, videos and text notes through Lifeblog client in your Nokia Phone, or PC software. Note that the implementation does not work well if MT4 is running on Windows IIS. Posting works fine (so most of the features does work correctly), but Lifeblog client ends up with an error.
54422: Blank error message during upgrade from 3.14 to MT4 using mysql 5
FIXED: Upgrade failed with empty error screen when system administrator had valid cookie when he/she tried to upgrade. The bug has been fixed.
54816: Column widths incorrect when using alternate layouts
FIXED: Column widths have been "fixed" for some of the alternate layouts and styles that ship with MT4.
54892: Performance problem with list_comments
FIXED: Performance testing revealed that that the list comments screen was slow due to a count operation that was being performed on an unindexed column. The test was performed on a database with 100,000 published comments. The issue has been fixed.
55050: A comment will become invalid once it saves a setup.
FIXED: whenever the app saves the settings from the Comment preferences screen, the "Accept Comments" preference will be in an invalid state. Therefore, a comment is not displayed by the published blog. This was likely a bug that surfaced during development and may not have impacted users, but though it should be documented just in case.
54964: IE6 requires "return false" in onclick handlers of anchors
FIXED: Buttons on various listing screen (for example Manage Entries) did not work as expected in IE6. The bug has been fixed.
55294: Kill feedback link
CHANGE: The "Feedback?" link has been removed from MT's application header. It was replaced with a help link. This link was here during the duration of the beta. Users can continue to submit feedback through:
55311: Hovering over "Reply" causes table columns to change sizes
FIXED: The reply link no longer revealed on hover only. It is visible always. So the issue of the columns resizing on hover has been consequently fixed.
55146: New Widget Set's name is garbled in Japanese
L10N: WidgetSet names have been properly localized.
55195: convert all subitForm calls to mt:command="submit"
CHANGE: Many forms in MT have multiple submit buttons. There is a bug in IE in which all the values of all the buttons are submitted when only one of them is pressed. MT works around this issue by using onclick events to transmit only the proper form parameters upon the moral equivalent of a form submit action. This bug addresses that by standardizing how forms are submitted in the app.
55142: Can't delete widget set(s)
FIXED: Widget Sets could not be deleted. The bug has been fixed.
55106: MTEntryBody does not replace asset-enclosure related tag in dynamic publishing
FIXED: In dynamic publishing, MTEntryBody did not replace enclosure tags which wrapped assets. The bug has been fixed. Thanks ekuda again for the report.
55193: Display Options preferences not being saved
FIXED: Button bar position of entry display options sometimes did not saved. The bug has been fixed.
55240: pubDate was translated when format_name is 'rfc822'
L10N/FIXED: Published Date is now properly localized in feeds.
55252: Plugin translation does not work in certain ways
L10N/FIXED: Plugins and the plugin listing screen has been properly localized and translated.
55273: Lots of privilege names are wrong
CHANGE: In MT3 we used the term "permission" to refer to a discrete right that a user has been granted. In MT4 to make things clearer, especially with the introduction of roles, we have changed the use of these terms. Roles comprise a set of "privileges". And permission is granted to users by granting them a role on a blog. This bug tracks the changing of this nomenclature throughout the app.
55288: "Clear Activity log" button doesn't clear activity log
FIXED: "Clear Activity log" button now clears the activity log. What a novel idea.
54970: Refresh of a template cannot be worked on template edit screen
FIXED: Users can now "refresh" a template directly from the Edit Template screen for that template.
54948: Preview and save fails in IE6
FIXED: Preview and save actions for entries and pages now work in IE6.
55091: Clicking on a page name from comment listing produces error
FIXED: The comment listing screen shows comments that are on pages as well as entries. Each comment has a link to the entry/page the comment was made on. Links to pages were broken because they assumed all the items in the list were entries when they were not.
55108: HTML file for popup image (auto-generated upon upload) is always created in site path
FIXED: HTML file for popup image is now created in the same directory that the image was uploaded.
55043: Edit comment list actions does not work
FIXED: List actions at the bottom of edit comment screen did not work. The bug has been fixed.
55037: Cloning weblog fails in Beta 7
FIXED: Cloning blog failed in Beta 7. The bug has been fixed.
54853: Multiblog privacy controls are not enforced under dynamic publishing
FIXED: Privacy controls were not being enforced for blog and content aggregation under dynamic publishing. This bug has been fixed.
54839: Entry preview isn't changed after editing an entry (IE6, IE7)
FIXED: Users reported that not all fields for an entry or page were being preserved properly when a user clicked preview and then the "Re-edit this Page/Entry" button. This has been fixed.
54740: Edit trackback screen lacks spam details disclosure link
FIXED: The Edit Comment/TrackBack screens now have the "show spam scoring details" links added so that one can inspect how feedback was scored and ranked by the various plugins you might have installed.
54882: Inserting asset can't be cancelled
FIXED: Inserting asset could not be cancelled because Cancel button did not work when there were no assets in the blog. The bug has been fixed. Thanks to Ishizaka who reprted the bug only a few hours after we released Beta 7.
54766: Date format isn't displayed correctly on Trackbacks/Comments detail screen (ja)
FIXED/L10N: Dates are now properly localized on the edit TrackBack/Comment screens.
54698: QuickPost needs a help screen
CHANGE: The QuickPost link has been moved and augmented with text to make it clearer to users how this feature can be used to make it easier to blog about content found elsewhere on the interweb.
54756: Can't overwrite an image
FIXED: Users reported that in Beta 7 they could no longer overwrite previously uploaded files. This has been fixed.
54520: Unknown user licenses: Active user count does not appear anywhere
FIXED: The current count of "active users," "total users" and "commenters" is now displayed on the System Information page within the application. This screen is critical for users of the commercial edition who need to understand how many seats of their license they have used.
54578: Comment Response template needs Header and Footer installed
FIXED: users upgrading from previous version of MT needed certain modifications to specific system templates that would allow for the Comment Response template to be displayed properly.
54650: The very first wizard page (setting StaticWebPath) has Javascript error
FIXED: Fixed javascript error on first page of install wizard when prompted to enter a static web path.
54725: File options step lacking edit fields when inserting file into post
FIXED: When inserting a newly uploaded file into a post the file options screen was blank. This has been fixed.
54660: Quickfilters obscures Batch Entry Edit
FIXED: Addressed style issue in which quick filters were covered up by fields from the batch entry/page editor.
53895: Update Search and Replace to use Users/Members instead of Commenters
FIXED: In app search now searches users as well as commenters.
51553: Blog menus not wide enough for labels in other languages (Japanese)
FIXED/L10N: Not all pull down nav menus were long enough for the translations. This has been fixed.
51642: Left nav weirdness on edit role screen after role is created
FIXED: Users reported that in some circumstances the left nav was giznanked on the edit role page. It has been ungiznanked.
53181: .entry-meta might need clear: both; in theme stylesheet
FIXED: Base weblog CSS file now has a clear: both property for the entry metadata section of a post to ensure elements don't float around it.
53520: Entry editor does not sidescroll for long lines
FIXED: The entry and page editor now will scroll horizontally when there is super long text that requires a side scroll to be edited properly.
53593: Users disabled automatically for no reason on login
FIXED: Found a bug in MT that was the result of the no follow plugin that conflicted with the built-in version f the same plugin. It was extremely hard to track down but the symptom was this: a user when logging would suddenly and unpredictably be disabled. Kudos to Brad for tracking this really obscure bug down. Users should remove the nofollow plugin from their install.
53736: Widget Manager Styling
CHANGE: Widget Manager's design has been updated.
53843: Republish messages are confusing since they use the word "pages" to refer to everything
CHANGE: Users reported that the publishing process could be confusing because we called every a page (e.g. "publishing archive pages" and "publishing page pages"). We have eliminated the use of the word page in this context so it becomes clearer (e.g. "publishing archives" and "publishing pages").
53883: Tables don't handle super-long stuff well
FIXED: Many tables in the app were succeptible to being busted by extra long non-wrapping content in narrow columns. Tables have been made more robust and are not likely to extend beyond their designated widths any longer.
53125: Can't Edit Entry if StaticWebPath is different sub/domain than url to MT app
IMPORTANT: The entry and page editor will not function is the domain on which the app and MT's static files are different. The rich text editor is achieved through the use of an iframe and security constraints found in browsers prevent content from being loaded from/written to different domains. Users should make sure then that their mt-static folder is served from the same domain as the application itself.
53019: Blog admins have no way of knowing what permissions users have on their blog
FEATURE: The role column has been added to the blog-level user listing screen along with the ability to remove users from the blog.
53009: Member Status Icons clipped
FIXED: Member status icons in user tables are no longer clipped.
51779: Newsbox request silently fails without HTML::Parser
FIXED: News Box on dashboard would fail silently if required perl module was not installed. An error now appears in the activity log.
50828: Uploading an image does not make the associated asset type as Image
FIXED: Not all images that were uploaded were being recognized as asset type "image". This has been fixed.
52665: Tags and search didn't work
FIXED: mt-search.cgi returned "Can't locate object method "decode_perl" via package..." error in some environment where Perl version is older. The bug has been fixed.
53456: Blog aggregation not triggered by scheduled post
FIXED: Blog publishing events (used during blog aggregation) were not being triggered by scheduled posts. Well, darn it, they are now.
53985: Template Editor Copy and Paste Errors
FIXED: Many users who did not like the template syntax highlighting that they had to constantly switch to raw text mode when editing template. This preference is now sticky so that users no longer need to always toggle to their preferred template editing mode. It now automatically remembers and selects that last more you used.
54022: Moving from system menu to blog dashboard might be confusing
FIX: The "this page does not exist" message that appears on the dashboard has been killed. It was confusing users and really served very little purpose at this point.
54052: Modal Polishing - Restore
Modal Dialogs all styled consistently
54109: List of plugin actions might be better to be moved to sidebar
FIXED: Plugin actions on the edit entry screen have been moved to the sidebar.
54286: Author archives lists is not output in author archive under dynamic publishing
FIXED: Author archives lists is not output in author archive under dynamic publishing
54382: Pulldown menu of the header navigation sometimes disappears (IE only)
FIXED: IE users reported that the pull down menu navigation system disappeared for them. This has been fixed.
54401: template_param being prior to populating $param
FIXED: Arvind found a bug in which transformer callbacks changed slightly, but in a way such that they were no longer behaving the way they had in the past. This has been fixed.
54666: Search box on templates pages says "search entries"
FIXED: The search box for the edit template area of MT now says "Templates" as opposed to entries.
54509: Page Problem
FIXED: German users reported the following bug during page rebuilding 'Can't use "3" as a method name in bracket group'. This has been fixed.
54695: template_source for widgets doesn't work
FIXED: Transformer callbacks were not working for widgets. This has been fixed.
54734: Create user screen wonked with ie6
FIXED: Create user screen unwonked for IE6 users.
54658: Search and Replace styling
FIXED: Search and replace styling has been updated the best that we can. Expect improvements in future versions of MT.
54493: Using Memcached causes infinite upgrade loop in beta 5 and later
FIXED: Fixed a bug that surfaced in beta 5 that prevented a proper install/upgrade of MT when run under Memcached.
54759: Activity Feed doesn't have some log messages: [mt] #1174:
FIXED: Some activity log messages were blank - probably due to a localization/translation issue. Fixed.
54807: long words aren't clipped on dashboard
FIXED: Super long words that overflowed into other content were not properly clipped making the UI appear a little wonky.
54808: User filter is busted
FIXED: Blog level list users screen had broken title bar on the listing. The bug has been fixed.
54817: MT "bug" in footer is getting cut off on top and bottom using Vox theme
FIXED: The "Powered By MT" promo was getting clipped in the footer of the new MT themes. Doh. Fixed.
54825: $obj->get_score should fail gracefully when $obj does not have scored yet
FIXED: Object's get_score method failed with Perl error message when the object has not been scored yet. The bug has been fixed.
54812: Vox themes need to be updated to work with StyleCatcher layout options
FIXED: The themes pulled over from Vox have been updated to work with MT's built in layout selection mechanism.
54704: Encountered error from Backup Complete page
FIXED: Moving to a blog using blog selector from backup or restore screen ended up in an empty error screen. The bug has been fixed.
54751: White square appears when changing the size of textbox (IE only)
FIXED: Fixed yet another IE bug that resulted in some weird UI artifacts when resizing a textarea.
54802: Can't reply to comments on blog site; can reply from within MT Dashboard
FIXED: Some users reported this error when commenting: "Can't call method "text" on unblessed reference at lib/MT/App/ line 1914." This has been fixed.
54841: Can't associate primary category with an entry after preview entry
FIXED: One can now associate primary category with an entry after preview entry.
54859: Changing text format to RichText on a blog whose PublishCharset is not UTF-8 turn characters into garbage
FIXED: Some users reported that the rich text editor did not always work when used with different blog encodings or app charsets. This has been fixed.
54861: Re: [mt] #1176: [L10N] プラグイン「Template Backup and Refreshã€Âã®日本語訳
L10N: Template refresh templates have been properly localized.
54862: Editing and saving a template which is set to be published dynamically removes "Build with index" flag
FIXED: Previously, saving a template which was set to publish dynamically removed "build with indexes" option unexpectedly. The bug has been fixed.
54891: Reduce size of download: have 6 themes ship with MT
CHANGE: MT4 Beta 7 shipped with over 38 new themes and styles for MT that dramatically increased the size of the download (from 3 to 9 MBs!). We now ship with only 9 themes, but make available all 38 through the style browser. When a remote style is selected and applied to a blog, its stylesheet and all of its images are automatically downloaded and stored on your MT server.
54931: Saving template edit sticks editor setting to source mode
FIXED: Saving template edit changes editor mode to normal textarea when user did not change the syntax highlight mode. The bug has been fixed. Thanks h-oshima for the report.
54936: "No blog ID" is not a good error message
FIXED: Import Contents results in non user friendly error message when user failed to specify a blog. Javscript validation is added, and the message was revised.
54938: Case 54286 may not have been completely fixed
FIXED (again): List of author archives is now properly output under dynamic publishing.
55042: Restore needs to do the same as blog cloning does to MT::Trackback record
FIXED: Restore did not fully restore Trackback records from backup files. The bug has been fixed.
55017: IP ban list is _too_ hidden
EASTER EGG: Add "ShowIPInformation 1" to unlock the IP Ban List administration section of MT in your blog settings area.
55048: Digest::SHA1 is not recognized.
FIXED: Digest::SHA1 perl module now properly detected and messages that appeared saying it wasn't installed are now fixed.
55109: Image popup window needs CSS styles defined
FIXED: HTML for popup screen did not have styles defined. They are now defined.
55114: A thumbnail file name was not same both of Static and Dynamic
FIXED: thumbnail filenames are now the same under dynamic and static publishing.
55125: change default file size upload
CHANGE: The default value for the MT config setting 'CGIMaxUpload' is now 20048000 (20MB) (previously 10000000 or 10MB) to facilitate posting audio and video files.
55100: Page and Category lists in their widgets should be nested
FIXED: Page and category lists are now properly nested/indented on published blogs.
55101: Comment reply fails with a perl error when MT can't send an email for some reason
FIXED: Perl error appeared when replying to a comment failed during sending email notification. The bug has been fixed.
55004: buttons layout problem on compose page screen
FIXED: Edit page screen had some wonky issues with the layout of the button bar. This has been unwonked.
54979: Category archive page needs to have Category-Monthly archive list in sidebar
FIXED: Category archives now list Category Monthly archive list in sidebar.
54983: Page is broken when enabled CAPTCHA in dynamic publishing
FIXED: CAPTCHA enabled page was broken in dynamic publishing. The bug has been fixed. Thanks ekuda for the report.
54989: cmtr_name_js does not define commenter_blog_ids
FIXED: Commenting did not function properly if CommentScript is in different domain and cookie could not be used. The bug has been fixed.
54992: Widgets and Widget sets are not listed in the 'Includes/Widgets' list when editing a template
FIXED: Widgets and Widget Sets are now listed in the sidebar of templates you are editing, along with included template modules.
54995: CMS not remembering blog_stats tab preference
FIXED (again): The entry/comments/tags tab is now sticky on the dashboard. Every time we fix this bug, we donate a $1 to charity. Guess how much money we have raised?
54951: Create new top level category screen is borked
FIXED: Updated style of the "Add Top Level Category/Folder" screens/modes to not look quite so... they look better now.
54958: Date format of MTEntryDate under static publishing is different from one under dynamic
FIXED: The MTEntryDate tag now outputs the same format under static and dynamic publishing.
54976: Can't remove widgets from dashboard (IE6)
FIXED: Dashboard widget could not be removed in IE6. The bug has been fixed.
54967: Preview and save entry fails on MSSQLServer and Postgres (and Oracle maybe)
(fumiaki) On PostgreSQL, saving an entry from preview screen failed with Perl error message. The bug has been fixed.
55291: Activity log could not be expanded when clicking the triangle icon in IE6
FIXED: Activity log table could not be expanded when clicking the triangle icon in IE. The bug has been fixed.
55312: Clicking 'Reset defaults' doesn't reset action bar's settings to default
FIXED: Display Options in edit entry screen did not reset to defaults as expected in the previous versions. The bug has been fixed.
55307: MultiBlog is preventing tag cloud from showing on blog stats widget
FIXED: Tag cloud now appears again on the dashboard. An issue with Multiblog functionality resulted in this bug.
55236: Multiblog: Weblog Administrator can't create rebuild triggers
FIXED: Blog administrators can now create rebuilt triggers.
55239: Style is broken on insert image options screen (IE6,IE7)
FIXED: Yet another IE bug/css fix - insert image options now appear properly.
55204: Folder listing should not have Trackbacks column
FIXED: Folder listing table had TrackBacks column but folder does not accept TrackBacks. The column is removed.
55270: "Manage notifications list" permission should be changed to "Manage address book"
FIXED: "Manage notifications list" permission changed to "Manage address book"
55200: Javascript error when clicking on a tag name in manage tags screen
FIXED: The javascript error that occurred when clicking on a tag name in manage tags screen has been fixed.
55220: Can't create a new widget set when widget set whose name is the same as defaut set name exists
FIXED: Can't create widget set whose name is the same as the default widget set.
55134: MTEntryBody with assets outputs incorrect html on Dynamic
FIXED: <MTEntryBody> tag now outputs the same HTML under dynamic publishing as it does under static publishing.
55145: Japanese texts are cut off
FIXED/L10N: Japanese text now properly localized in widget manager.
55152: Unescaped strings in default_templates/javascript.mtml
FIXED/L10N: Strings in javascript file that have been wrapped by a translation tag that makes the text localizable has been escaped properly.
55187: MTEntryModifiedDate gives publish error when modified_on is null
FIXED a bug preventing the publishing of templates with an MTEntryModifiedDate or MTPageModifiedDate tags with un-edited entries/pages. These tags now yield the creation date if they have not been re-edited.
55189: Cannot publish pages that were inserted programmatically
FIXED: Publish errors resulted when building pages that had a null value for Last Modified. This only occurred when pages had a null modified on date and had the MTEntryLastModified tag in use.
55107: Photos widget fails ungracefully in dynamic if PHP can't write thumbnail file
FIXED: Recently uploaded images widget now fails gracefully in dynamic publishing if thumbnail could not be created properly.
55221: one click report as spam for TB
FIXED: Trackback notification email included "Report as spam" link with wrong URL. The bug has been fixed.
54977: Hovering "Write Entry" button does not change mouse cursor in IE6
FIXED: In another IE6 bug, the write entry button now properly triggers the browser to change the cursor properly upon hover.
54981: CSS: <p> should have margin-top to be distinguished from <br/>
FIXED: Published blogs' default CSS (or base-weblog.css) has extra margin around <p> tags to differentiate between <br> tags.
54900: System Information screen not working under FastCGI
FIXED: System information screen now works under FastCGI. A new mt configuration directive was added "MTCheckScript" that points to your mt-check.cgi script. This can be used to point to a .fcgi version of the file, but also if users wish to rename this file for security reasons and keep the system information screen operational within the app.
54497: Feeds.App Lite: Feed that includes Japanese garbles text on the published page.
FIXED: Feeds.App Lite now supports characters outside of US-ASCII set. Japanese build will have Feeds.App Lite in the package.
54676: Upgrade/Install process scrolls in container and messaging appears above the fold
FIXED: Restored the scrollable pane within upgrade and install screens.
52598: Cannot extend object_types as a plugin
FIXED: Arvind reported that components could extend pre-installed object types, but not plugins. Good catch. Arvind wins a prize! Fixed.
50234: Screen: Tools - Quickpost Setup
FIXED: The quickpost link now appears. In the next release it will be moved and a little copy provided to make it clear how to use properly.
51222: Manage Files styling
FIXED: The Manage Files styling is now complete.
52047: Upgraded MT install should have Page template added
UPGRADE NOTE: Please make note that users upgrading to MT4 from MT3 will need to add the "Page Archive" template manually to any existing blogs. We do this because it is out strong belief that MT should under no circumstances add or modify any templates in an install. They are the user's and totally sacred.
53108: provide comp for Junk Score on Edit Comment and Edit Trackback
On Edit Comment and Edit TrackBack screens, Spam Score (if exists) appears in a toggle-to-show box.
47960: Blog aggregation
INTEGRATED: Multiblog functionality is now completely integrated. The multiblog user interface will remain accessible through the plugin settings. A future release may incorporate these settings into the main preferences area of the application.
54345: Progress Bar Styling
ENHANCED/UPDATED: We have updated the progress bar styling a bit. One thing you may notice in the Rebuild window is that the progress indicator will actually show how many pages within a group (index/page/date-based archives) remain to be rebuilt and the progress indicator will properly show the percentage complete of a rebuild operation.
54429: Audio, Video asset support
FEATURE: We have added podcasting support for MT. This includes a number of features and new tags. <mt:EntryAssets> tag will iterate over a list of included "assets." This new tag can be filtered by audio, video, files, images. The UI now supports the same filtering. Finally we have made a critical nomenclature change to accommodate these new data types: the term "Files" (e.g. the Manage *Files* menu item/page) is now "Assets." We also added <mt:PageAssets> and <mt:Assets> tags.
54524: Photos widget
FEATURE: Added a "Photos" widget which utilizes new tags to show recently uploaded photos on a blog.
52167: Create Dialog: Entry Notifications (or "Share this entry")
FIXED: We had incompletely implemented the "Share this page/entry" feature in the last release. This cleans that up.
54147: Is there a way to turn syntax high-lighting off?
FIXED: Users provided feedback saying they would like to be able to turn template syntax highlighting off entirely or have the app remember their preferred mode. Now syntax highlighting mode is sticky meaning it will automatically remember the last mode you were using and start up using that mode.
54269: Periodic Task for clearing old mt_session 'US' records
FIXED: Session records maintained by Movable Type sometimes got extremely large because previous versions of Movable Type did not clean up mt_session database table. Cleaning up now occurs once a day, to remove expired user sessions.
54330: StyleCatcher needs to list locally installed styles
FEATURE: Movable Type now comes bundled with a number of styles to choose from. Please note that users upgrading from older beta versions will need to refresh their templates in order to utilize MT's build in style changer. Users may now also select a layout for their style as well. Each style may support a different set of layouts in which case only supported layouts are presented to the user for selection. A consequence of this change is that the size of the MT4 tar and zip files is much larger (3.6MB or so). This will change in the next release. Sorry for the temporary bloat.
49732: Give Tags listing screen a left hand nav that allows the user to choose what objects are listed
FEATURE: We have added quick filters for tags to quick show only entry tags, asset tags, page tags, etc.
54618: Combine stylesheets to reduce HTTP requests
FIXED: Some stylesheets have been consolidated to reduce required set of HTTP requests to app.
54641: List Users Needs a filter bar
FIXED: We have added the ability to filter user listings by role. You will see this feature manifest in this release, but we also know that it is kinda busted. <slapping wrists> Sorry 'bout that.
54716: An error occurs when Author archive is enabled
FIXED: Users reported that enabling an author archive on an archive template resulted in a build error: "An error occurred publishing date-based archive 'Author-Monthly20070701000000': Publish error in template 'Entry Listing': Error in <mt:Include> tag: error in module Footer: Error in <mt:If> tag: Error in <mt:Include> tag: error in module Sidebar - 3 Column Layout: Error in <mt:If> tag: Error in <mt:IfArchiveTypeEnabled> tag: Error in <mt:ArchiveList> tag: Error in <mt:ArchiveLink> tag: You used an <$MTArchiveLink$> tag outside of the proper context." Wow, that's a mouth full.
54522: Rebuilding is not completed when a page is created first.
FIXED: Pages have not been published even if it was chosen to rebuild in the Rebuild Site popup. The bug has been fixed.
54523: Changing publishing option from "all static" to "partially dynamic" generates index.html with wrong permalinks
FIXED: Changing publishing option from "all static" to "partially dynamic" generates index.html with wrong permalinks.
54585: Pages can not be published dynamically
FIXED: Page could not be correctly published dynamically (some conditional tags may worked wrongly). The bug has been fixed.
54586: Needs template_params into context vars when archive type is Category on Dynamic Publishing
FIXED: Fixed bug in dynamic publishing which didn't populate context correctly in order for the category summary widget to work.
54501: Clicking entries in tag listing screen results in an error
FIXED: Tag search seemed to be broken for some users. Ninjas tracked down the bug and killed it.
52774: L10N blocker: Write Entry is a gif image!
L10N: "Write Entry" button now CSS-based for localization53697: MT4 does not support IIS7 (shipped with Vista) as a hosting web server until Vista SP1 ships
There is currently a bug in Windows Vista's IIS 7 that prevents all but the last cookie that is sent by a browser to the server from being read. Microsoft is aware of this problem and is working on a fix. We have done what we can to limit how this bugs affects Movable Type. Currently this bug only affects the built-in "Reply To" dialog. This issue does not affect the following people:
* users of IE7 running on Vista accessing MT on a different non-IIS server
* users of Windows Vista running MT on Apache
53913: Modal Mask doesn't display upon first click in IE
FIXED: The modal mask which creates the grey background effect was not working 100% for IE7. This has been fixed.
54286: Author archives lists is not output in author archive under dynamic publishing
FIXED: Author archives lists is not output in author archive under dynamic publishing
54264: Error when attempting to view listing page after login
FIXED: List pager sometimes did not work and returned page not found error. The bug has been fixed.
54265: Asset thumbnail cache 'assets_c' directory contents should be subdivided
FIXED/FEATURE: To protect against performance issues associated with large scale sites, the assets_c (cache) directory is now subdivided to keep the total file count in each folder small.
54266: Dashboard widget stats directory should be subdivided
FIXED/FEATURE: To protect against performance issues associated with large scale sites, the mt-static/support directory is now subdivided to keep the total file count in each folder small.
54208: Disabling Plugin Set: ExtensibleArchives results in blog not being publishable
FIXED: The "Extensible Archives," "Author Archives" and "Date-based Category Archive" plugins have been folded into the core. This keep critical features from being lost or from breaking when and if these plugins get disabled.
54235: template_param callbacks for a specific template don't fire
FIXED: template_param callbacks for a specific template now fire
54021: Is MT::Compat::v3 working?
FIXED: I am not sure if people know of the existence of this, but there is a component in MT that maps in all the old MT3 style API calls into the new MT4 API. This module is responsible for displaying compatibility information about plugins on the plugin listing page. Not only is compatibility information displayed, but it also SHOULD display a brief description of what you need to do to correct the compatibility issue. This information is displayed when the "Debug" configuration directive is set in mt-config.cgi is set to 1.
54085: List filter on modals is missing top-right corner
FIXED: Fixed a style issue with modal dialogs in which a corner was missing on the list pane.
54120: Backup complete screen does not have download icon and not styled
FIXED: The backup complete screen did not display the links for downloading the backed up files. So we styled list of uncompressed back up files so it is in keeping with the style of the rest of the app.
53983: beta5 - new registrants notification not giving all info
FIXED: New user registration info now provides complete info about a user. Fields were empty. This has been fixed.
53880: Can't find refresh all templates plugin action for upgraded blog
NOT REPRODUCIBLE: A user reported not being able to find the "Refresh Templates" plugin action for a blog. To refresh ALL the templates for a blog, go to the Manage > Blogs page from the System Overview. When viewing a list of blogs in the system, select the checkbox of the blog you wish to select. Then select "Refresh Templates" from the table's pull down menu.
54003: CSS: Please try to remove units (px) from line-height CSS attribute
CSS UPDATE: We have tried to remove all fixed font sizes from the app in favor of the 'em' unit.
54033: FastCGI error - switching the current blog
FIXED: There was a bug in FastCGI mode where a user's blog context was switched erroneously. This has been fixed.
54268: User-generated thumbnail image files should have readable names
FIXED: Many users stated that the thumbnails generated by the system had horribly illegible names. We couldn't agree more. So now thumbnails use the format file-thumb-XxY.jpg.
54331: List actions registered by a component/pack are shown as 'plugin' actions
FIXED: List actions registered by a component/pack are shown as 'plugin' actions.
54327: Remove 'Rich Text' from list of comment format options
CHANGE: The Rich Text editor is currently not a valid choice for commenting.
54329: Command-line 'upgrade' tool fails to run
FIXED: Fixed a bug reported by Tim Appnel that prevented the 'upgrade' command line script from running.
53924: Conflicting messages after saving template with bogus MT template tag
FIXED: If you save a template with a non-existent or misused MT template tag, the edit template screen is reloaded with conflicting messages. In this situation the your template has been saved message should not have the publish link it to keep users from initiating a rebuilt that will fail.
53937: Reply to Comment & Preview
CHANGED: Templates and code to facilitate the in-app reply to comment feature have been modified.
53186: MT4b3: Categories zapped after upgrade from 3.35 (PostgreSQL)
FIXED: Fixed issue in which categories zapped after upgrade from 3.35 (PostgreSQL).
53229: Where is the system-level Preferences->Spam menu supposed to go?
FIXED: It was originally planned to have SpamLookup completely integrated into the app. At which time it was our plan to have a system-level spam preferences section. We have scaled back. The Spam link from the menu has been removed and SpamLookup will be completely integrated later. For now SpamLookup setting will continue to be found under plugin settings.
53232: Move Members menu item to Manage menu?
CHANGED: After user feedback the "Preferences > Members" menu item has been moved to "Manage > Users". We feel this is a more intuitive location.
53252: Navigation: There is not 'System Infomation' in 'Tools' of the header navigation
FIXED: "System Information" has been added to the "System Overview" pull down menu.
53541: Manage Category/Folder screen doesn't have "Delete" button on R9
FIXED: We added the "Delete" button back to the Manage Categories and Manage Folders. How did we lose that? Oops.
53575: Blog admin can see blog they don't have rights to when doing import
FIXED: Blog admin can see blog they don't have rights to when doing import.
52629: Bring style catcher in line with MT's primary style
HEY DID YOU SEE THE PREVIOUS NOTE? Just in case you missed the previous change log/release note, check out the "Design > Styles" section. If you are using MT's default templates then you will have access to a large library of professional designed and illustrated themes.
51445: List Previous Pings was gone and has not come back
FIXED: We restored the link "Previously sent pings" to the compose screen.
51540: Double slashes in path when editing Folder
FIXED: Removed the double slash from the Edit Folder screen.
51557: Choose and remove unnecessary samples in extras/examples/plugins
REMOVED: Outdated and incompatible plugins have been removed from the extras/examples folder.
54374: Quickpost now works with Pages as well as entries
FEATURE: QuickPost has been enabled for pages as well as entries.
54349: Publishing entry from entries listing screen doesn't publish it
FIXED: Publishing a draft entry from the entry listing screen now changes the status of the post to published and publishes the entry.
54463: blog selector should not expand on hover
FIXED: The blog selector menu now expands upon click only.
54470: background color on selected comments/things in expanded mode
FIXED: There was a style issue having to do with selecting items in a listing table in expanded mode. This has been fixed.
54471: "Folder" not "Category" on page filter
FIXED: Fixed typo in page filter where we used the term "Category" when we should have used the term "Folder."
54472: Blog selection needs to be sticky
FIXED: Blog selection is now "sticky" between browser sessions.
54474: Create Template: Page Archive | Entry Archive | Etc
CHANGE: Re-organized create archive links for template editing. Might change again to be consistent with rest of app.
54479: Add a tag cloud to the default templates
FEATURE: Tag cloud added to default templates.
54480: Default post screen display options
CHANGE: The default entry/page status for new blogs will now be 'publish'.
54484: Blog registration default settings
FIXED: Changed default settings for new blogs to fully enable registration and local auth.
54511: Page not found - Category when dynamic publishing in Beta 6
(fumiaki) Category archive could not be published dynamically in Beta 6. The bug has been fixed.
54400: MySQL database created with charset=binary option isn't compatible with MT4
(fumiaki) FIXED: MySQL database created with "charset binary" option was incompatible with MT4 beta. MT 4 now supports the configuration.
54406: Quickpost makes garbage title when source title is in Japanese
(fumiaki) Quickpost copied Japanese title and text but in garbage characters in Beta 6. The bug has been fixed.
54579: MT thinks I am running mod_perl when I am not
FIXED: Error message incorrectly stated users were running mod_perl when users disabled a plugin. This has been fixed.
54584: Thumbnail file is not thumbnail when MTAssetThumbnail* with only height attribute
FIXED: Thumbnail file is not thumbnail when MTAssetThumbnail* template tags are provided with height attribube only.
54730: Delete commented out styles from mt3_styles.css
FIXED: Deleted commented out styles from mt3_styles.css (which is present to help development team track what app elements have no been styled yet) to reduce the size of files requested by the browser.
54741: Stray @ at top of published blog pages
FIXED: Stray ampersand at published blog pages.
54670: Cloner plugin duplicates MT::Trackback record and breaks dynamic MTEntries
FIXED: Cloner plugin duplicates MT::Trackback record and breaks dynamic MTEntries -- accounted for both the possibility that the trackback already existed for the entry/category or it may not, if the entry/category no longer accepted pings. And if the entry/category save created the trackback, any passphrase assigned to the original one was lost; that is preserved now.
54702: Publish and unpublish itemset actions don't show up for entries or Pages
FIXED: Publish and unpublish itemset actions don't show up for entries or Pages.
54637: Comments/Entries tab not sticky
FIXED: The "Comments" tab and "Entries" tab should be sticky between browser sessions. It is.
54626: Entry listing can not be filtered by category under SQLite
FIXED: Under SQLite, you couldn't filter entries by a category in Manage Entries screen. The bug has been fixed. Thanks shin.sugi for the report.
54755: Entry preview does not show categories assinged
FIXED: Entry preview screen did not show assigned categories. The bug has been fixed. Thanks h-oshima for the report.
54405: Order of blogs MTMultiblog outputs is different between static and dynamic
FIXED: The order of blogs the multiblog feature outputs is now the same in static and dynamic modes.
54518: A thumbnail file name format is old at the dynamic publishing environment
FIXED: The thumbnail filename is now the same between static and dynamic publishing.
54500: Running mt-check.cgi leaves 0-byte tmp file in mt directory on ActivePerl
FIXED: Running mt-check.cgi leaves 0-byte tmp file in mt directory on ActivePerl.
54370: mt-wizard: directory not writable error message not styled
FIXED: "Directory not writable" error is now styled in install wizard.
54389: Date format option should be removed from Members Listing Screen
(fumiaki) List Members screen of a blog had Date option in the Display Options widget, when the page does not have any data related to date.
54393: Accessing Import Screen results in an error when MT has no blog
(fumiaki) Could not access to import screen when there was no blog. The bug has been fixed.
46758: How to count active users is wrong
FIXED: Active user count adjusted given the fact that now "commenters" are also users. This count will be displayed in the next release of system information screen.
47027: Error in regular expression in MT::Template::ContextHandlers::_compile_category_filter
FIXED: Fixed an issue with Entries tag and category filter expressions when category label or tag name is numeric.
47770: Dynamic Publishing fails in an error when used with tag attribute in MTEntries
FIXED: Dynamic Publishing no longer fails in an error when used with tag attribute in MTEntries.
52746: Buttons half hidden on modal dialog when selecting sysadmin for registration notifications
FIXED: Addressed a styling issue with "Select user to receive new user notifications" dialog.
53616: Link of uploaded image file is different.
FIXED: The link of an uploaded image file was incorrect. This has been fixed. (The bug occurred in firefox only).
53775: Confirmation emails
FIXED: Links found in confirmation emails when dynamic publishing is turned on now resolve properly.
52999: Error with Plugin "modes"
FIXED: Plugins that were registering app modes were no longer working. This has been fixed to ensure greater backwards compatibility. A big thanks to Mark Carey for helping us to track this down.
54299: Publishing status is empty when user does not have publish_post
FIXED: Publishing status is no longer empty when user does not have publish_post permission.
54214: 'What to rebuild' option is not displayed on MultiBlog Trigger screen (FireFox only)
FIXED: 'What to rebuild' option is now displayed on MultiBlog Trigger screen. Bug was in FireFox only.
54065: Revoke permission are you sure screen refers to association, not permission
FIXED: Fixed nomenclature inconsistency between association and permission.
53963: link to publish appears on entries/pages listing screen at the system level
FIXED: Link to "Publish" entries in status messages no longer appears at system level.
53980: beta5 - authentication options, have to resave if want email required
FIXED: Users no longer need to resave authentication options when users selects "Email required..."
54001: Stylecatcher incompatible with mod_perl
FIXED: StyleCatcher now works with mod_perl.
53480: Restore "Send Notifications" feature
FIXED: The ability to send notifications has been fully implemented on top of the MT4 system.
53668: Style pagination on Manage and Modal lists
FIXED: Restyled pagination links (next/prev page links) for tables within the app.
53974: Move Debug CSS into separate template
FEATURE: The debug CSS style information has been moved to a separate file. To activate the "DEBUG" mode for MT, add "Debug 1" to your mt-config.cgi file. Doing so will cause MT to output a lot of debug information about the current page request (should debug information be present).
53898: Modal Styling - Comment Reply
FIXED: Re-styled the "Reply" dialog for replying to comments within the application.
54218: Hide Dynamic publishing option when MT is run on DBD::SQLite (not SQLite2)
CHANGE: Because database created using DBD::SQLite does not support dynamic publishing, MT4 now hides the option to avoid confusion.
53592: Newly created folder should be applied to Page immediately
FIXED: Newly created folder should be applied to Page immediately.
48471: Combining comment templates: need branching option
CHANGE: The comment pending, confirmation and pending system templates have been combined into a single 'Comment Response' system template.
52256: Docs reference in RSS template should point to
FIXED: Docs reference in RSS template should point to
53737: Sweep the default published blog templates to ensure proper header usage
FIXED: Default templates have been swept to ensure proper header usage.
53879: Category / Folder is garbled when it is created in Edit Entry / Page screen
L10N/FIXED: Category and folder name was garbled when they were created from edit entry / page screen, on blogs whose PublishCharset is not UTF-8. The bug has been fixed.
53881: Blog Selector - expand on click
FIXED: The blog selector now expands on click. In the next release it should not auto-expand, but expand exclusively upon click.
53986: Report: Dynamic publishing warning always appears in vanilla MT w/o Enterprise.pack
FIXED: In beta 5, php warnings were being incorrectly generated when a directory named "addons" was not present in the MT directory. This has now been fixed.
53997: List permissions page does not have left side navigation
FIXED: List permissions page now has left side navigation.
53942: Reply to comment causing inappropriate "your session has been ended" message
FIXED: Replying to a comment from within the list of comments screen sometimes resulted in an error, "Your session has been ended". The bug has been fixed.
53951: Updates to date/time formats broke Japanese view of datetime
L10N: Edit entry screen for a blog whose date language is Japanese had datetime appeared in non-Japanese. The bug has been fixed.
53972: Deleting Archive Mapping has no confirmation alert
FIXED: Deleting Archive Mapping now has confirmation alert/dialog.
54013: Author archive publishes weird html in the footer under dynamic publishing
FIXED: Dynamically published author archive had error in the footer. The bug has been fixed.
54019: Author archive has all entries written by an author in dynamic
FIXED: Author archive has all entries written by an author in dynamic.
54026: Saving on the general settings screen changes default editor fields
FIXED: Saving on the general settings screen changes default editor fields... this has been fixed.
54067: Sysadmin user without permissions on blogs can't switch blog context
FIXED: Sysadmin user without permissions on blogs can't switch blog context
54017: MTArchiveCount does not work as expected under dynamically published author archive
FIXED: MTArchiveCount does not work as expected under dynamically published author archive
54006: After saving poweredit screen, "Republish please" message appears even when it's "all dynamic" blog
FIXED: After saving on the Power Edit screen, "Republish please" message appears even when it's "all dynamic" blog.
54010: Create Rebuild Trigger screen shows nothing
FIXED: The Create Rebuild Trigger screen which was broken and showed nothing has been fixed.
54180: Daily and Weekly archives are now published by default
FIXED: In previous beta, Daily and Weekly archives might sometimes be published even if they are not enabled before upgrading. The bug has been fixed.
54189: StyleCatcher: base-weblog.css is not there in the webthemeroot and breaks Style Library styles
FIXED: Stylesheet generated by StyleCatcher now correctly refers to the new Base Theme stylesheet.
54201: MultiBlog privacy controls are not enforced for static publishing
FIXED: MultiBlog privacy controls are now enforced for static publishing.
54241: MT::Object::add_callback missing from compat layer
FIXED: Plugins failing due to an assumption that the MT::Entry, MT::Blog and MT::Comment are preloaded already should load properly now (these modules have been added to load in the MT 3 compatibility layer).
54284: OpenID, LiveJouranl and Vox icons don't appear on the SignIn Screen for commenting
FIXED: OpenID, LiveJouranl and Vox icons sometimes didn't appear on the SignIn Screen for commenting. This has been fixed.
53999: Creating rebuild trigger with modal dialog is broken
FIXED: Creating rebuild trigger with modal dialog was all borked up. We done fixed that thing.
53348: SpamLookup -Lookup might not be working correctly?
FIXED - SpamLookup has not been working correctly in MT4 Beta. The bug has been fixed.
53869: error when getting Pages Feed
FIXED: The error that occured in when fetching a Pages Feed has been fixed.
53700: Deleting Page doesn't remove published file from site
FIXED: Changing a page's status from published to draft did not remove the static file for the page even when DeleteFilesAtRebuild option was enabled. The bug has been fixed.
53717: default templates: form closing tag and div closing tag are not matching their opening tags
FIXED: <form> tag in Comment Form default template has been crossing over <div> tags it was enclosed by. The opening and closing tags now in the proper open/close order.
53636: "Website URL" is set to "http://" even when you don't change nothing on Edit Profile screen
FIXED: "Website URL" is set to "http://" even when you don't change anything on Edit Profile screen. This has been fixed.
53641: Unnecessary trailing slash in edit folder page
FIXED: Redundant trailing slash has been removed from edit folder page.
53540: Date format isn't correct on Batch Edit Entries screen
FIXED: Editing entries in batch showed wrongly formatted date time in Date column text boxes. The bug has been fixed.
53569: Blog admin can see System Overview->Activity log menu item, but receives permission error from selecting it
FIXED: Blog administrator can see System Overview->Activity log menu item, but receives permission error from selecting it.
53577: File selector not showing when blog admin importing from Movable Type
FIXED: File selector not showing when blog admin importing from Movable Type.
53233: Language inconsistency between "contacts" and "notifications"
FIXED: Resolved some nomenclature inconsistencies between the use of the legacy "notification" and the new "contact" in the Address Book (formally known generically as "Notifications").
53255: Navigation: wrong screen appears when switching the context on weblog-level settings screen
FIXED: Navigation: wrong screen appears when switching the context on blog-level settings screen.
53002: The site name duplicated in Search and Tag listing
FIXED: The site name duplicated in Search and Tag listing.
53162: List of "trackbacks reported as spam" declares itself as "All Trackbacks"
FIXED: TrackBack listing screen filtered to show junk TrackBacks only appeared as "All TrackBacks" in the header. The bug has been fixed.
53166: Spec clarificaition: should commenter have rights to the MT Admin interface?
FIXED: A user with only a commenter permission can not login to the app, but they will be immediately directed to the Edit Profile screen and can navigate no where else.
52068: Tabindex on edit_template
FIXED: A present for Arvind: the tab order has been fixed on the edit template screen. Hitting tab from the template name field will take you into the editor (not the toolbar). Arvind, for fixing this feature please send the MT development team a Starbucks gift card. :)
51471: Reply to comment modal: preview comment modal styling.
FIXED: Fixed styling of the "Preview" feature for in-app comment replying.
52028: Tab-order broken in Create Entry
FIXED: Similar to the previous bug associated with the tab order for the edit template screen, the same fixed has been applied to the posting interface.
52535: MTCommenterIfTrusted with Dynamic Publishing returns incorrect result
FIXED: MTCommenterIfTrusted with Dynamic Publishing now returns correct result.
52711: Clicking "Reply" anchors reply dialog to top of page, not the active/viewable window
FIXED: Clicking "Reply" anchors reply dialog to top of page, not the active/viewable window.
52727: mt-wizard.cgi and mt-static detection problems
FIXED: Users reported problems trying to detect their mt-static directory. This has been fixed.
53042: mt-upgrade fails because php/plugins was not found
FIXED: The MT upgrade process no longer fails if the 'php/plugins' directory is missing when upgrading from MT 3.x.
53121: Category selector category name field is too small for editing
FIXED: Category selector category name field is too small for editing.
53161: List of junk trackback screen wrongly shows "Set Web Service password" link
FIXED: List of Junk TrackBacks wrongly shows "Set Web Service password" link. Link removed.
52857: Report: mt-tb.cgi mode=rss returns non-visible (junk) trackbacks
FIXED/SECURITY: Resolved a bug that allowed users to retrieve a list of junked TrackBacks in a system by passing a __mode=rss to the mt-tb.cgi script.
52880: typekey login issue
FIXED: Some users reported problems trying to login via TypeKey. This has been fixed.
52967: Clicking on blog name doesn't take user to blog dashboard
FIXED: Clicking on blog name doesn't take user to blog dashboard. This has been fixed.
52625: mt-check.cgi script creates temp files which remain on server after script is finished running
FIXED: mt-check.cgi script creates temp files which remain on server after script is finished running. These files are now removed.
52686: [UPG 3.35] Entry preferences set back to default after upgrade
FIXED: Some entry preferences set in 3.35 and previous versions of MT were removed during upgrade. This bug has been fixed.
52228: Pages appear to be published from Pages listing screen when actually they aren't
FIXED: Pages appear to be published from Pages listing screen when actually they aren't. The fix turns off the "Publish Pages" action from the menu on the list pages screen when a publishing path has not been set.
51815: JS Error in Organize - Files page
FIXED: A Javascript error was reported when clicking a name of a file on list files screen. The bug has been fixed.
53221: Mail::Sendmail not listed as optional module in mt-wizard
FIXED: Mail::Sendmail now listed as optional module in mt-wizard.
53021: "(newly created user)"shouldn't show up in list of search results
FIXED: The pseudo "(newly created user)" no longer shows up in search results on grant permissions modal dialog.
53580: Import from WXR results in entries with -1 for entry_convert_breaks
FIXED: Importing from WordPress exported file did not enter entry's convert breaks setting to blog's default setting when 'default' option was selected. The bug has been fixed.
53645: CAPTCHA
FIXED: Captchas for anonymous commenters has now been fixed and is operable.
53798: Can't change the target of searching on Search-and-Replace screen (IE only)
FIXED: IE users reported not being able too change the target of searching on Search-and-Replace screen. This has been fixed.
53953: MTDate does not apply blog->language correctly
FIXED: MTDate did not apply date language setting of the blog in context correctly when under relative mode. The bug has been fixed.
54182: Restore should be canceled easily if it's just a manifest upload
FIXED: Merely uploading manifest file could not be canceled easily in restore operation (users were redirected to activity log to see the message 'restore was canceled prematurely'). The bug has been fixed.
54145: Restyle Add Category popup on Create Entry page
CHANGE: Category pop-up style for edit tntry page has been updated.
54151: Remove lines from between form fields on Create Entry page
CHANGE: Style change - lines between settings fields have been removed.
54169: Standardize colors in Blog context
CHANGE: Colors have been normalized and standardized in blog context.
54178: Activity log Filter does not select filter value
FIXED: Second level dropdown did not appear when clicking [change] on the filter bar. The bug has been fixed.
53927: lite uses modal dialog, but it's kind of unstyled right now
FIXED: Feeds.App Lite's modal dialog is now styled.
54018: Author's default name (Author#1) sometimes trans'd and sometimes not
FIXED/L10N: - Author's default name (Author#1) sometimes translated and sometimes not. Fixed.
54023: Actionbar setting does not properly appear on the setting screen
FIXED: Action bar position setting did not appear to be selected in blog's entry setting screen. The bug has been fixed. Thanks sakaiyabantou for the report.
54086: Handling old 'Widget: xxx' includes
CHANGE: The syntax for including widgets as opposed to modules is now: <MTInclude widget="My Widget">. The old syntax of '<MTInclude widget="My Widget">' is now deprecated and should no longer be used. Please update your templates.
54087: Problem with unicode characters on import
FIXED/L10N: A problem with importing unicode characters has been fixed.
54089: Add "No category selected" to compose page
CHANGE: The phrase "No category selected" is now displayed on the Edit Entry page when, well duh, no category has been selected.
54093: Sign in to comment on blog displays markup at bottom
FIXED: Removed wrong HTML tags in the footer of the commenter sign-in screen.
54107: Commenter signin template should not mandate commeter authenticator logo
FIXED: OpenID endpoints registered via the API no longer requires a 3rd party logo. Therefore no broken gif appears on the login form.
54045: Plugins: old tag declaration not working
FIXED: The legacy syntax for registering a tag: 'MT::Template::Context->add_tag(MyTagName => \&_hdlr_my_tag_name );' was not working. This has been fixed. Thanks for Mark Carey for the bug report.
54122: Backup and Restore callback are not working as expected
CHANGED: Backup/Restore callback specification changed a bit, to be compatible with current backup and restore functions.
53307: $default_signin set too late
FIXED: Commenter authenticator selected by default did not have its style when it was not Movable Type Native. The bug has been fixed. Thanks Arvind for the report.
53502: User who can't edit site URL and path gets "You need to configure your blog" error
FIXED: User who can't edit site URL and path gets "You need to configure your blog" error. This has been fixed.
51469: Modal Styling
FIXED: enhanced the styling of many modal dialogs.
53581: Restructure the published weblog stylesheets
FIXED: Published blog stylesheets gets refinement.
53247: change references in app from "rebuilding" to "publishing"
CHANGED: In the interests of clarity, all references in the app to "rebuilding" have been changed to "publishing."
52560: This is You link to edit profile?
CHANGED: The "this is you" dashboard widget now has a link to edit profile for that user.
53035: Create "Info" system message icon
CHANGED: MT now has icon and styling for info system messages.
53830: Use Memcached namespace with MT::Memcached
FEATURE: It's now possible to run multiple MT installations against a single Memcached server (each install uses a unique prefix to prevent collisions with other installs).
53691: Remove pkg classes
CHANGE: removed the .pkg class from default CSS for blogs.
53731: Remove "date header" from default templates
FIXED: DateHeader is removed from default templates.
53733: Move entry title tags to entry detail module
FIXED: EntryTitle tags is moved to Entry Detail module
53734: Create a specific "Page Detail" template module
FEATURE: Page Detail template module created.
52651: Default archiving paths should have dashes
CHANGED: In the interests of search engine optimization, default archiving paths now use dash instead of underscores.
45715: Asset Management: File upload by xmlrpc
CHANGED: Blog editing clients such as ecto or MarsEdit that use the Atom or XMLRPC interfaces can now create entries with attached files or images, which will be added to MT as assets.
46016: Tag listing screen does not include Asset tags
CHANGED: The tags listing screen will now display tags for entries, Pages and assets, with Quickfilters provided for that purpose.
51316: <MTInclude file="mt-config.cgi"> reveals contents in mt-config.cgi
52859: Wrap those messages on dashboard with <__trans>
L10N: Dashboard widgets have not been fully translated. They are now.
53529: Can't delete widget templates on R9
FIXED: Fixed bug that prevented users from deleting widget templates.
53432: category archives not being rebuilt
FIXED: Resolved issue in which category archives were not being rebuilt.
53534: Error on Spam Settings screen without Enterprise Pack
FIXED: An error was appearing on Spam Settings screen when enterprise pack was not installed. This was fixed.
53542: Error occurs at rebuilding if "MTWidgetManager" is used.
FIXED: Resolved issue in which error was occuring when MTWidgetManager tag was being used. The WidgetManager tag has been deprecated in favor of MTWidgetSet.
53597: Create new styles for left nav
CHANGED: Blog and system-level left nav now sports enhanced styling that makes Movable Type more pleasing to the eye.
53599: (Dynamic publ) MTIfNonZero/MTIfNonEmpty wrongly return false for MTEntriesCount and related tags
FIXED: Fixed a bug in the MTIfNonZero/MTIfNonEmpty tags under dynamic publishing which caused them to always return false when used to test MTEntriesCount. This bug also existed in the latest versions of MT 3.x and MTE 1.5x.
53376: Widgets are considered as template modules after upgrade from MT 3.35
FIXED: Widgets are considered as template modules after upgrade from MT 3.35.
53378: MT4 does not support MySQL 4.0
FIXED: MT4's primary features have not been supported if underlying database was MySQL 4.0 in previous beta of MT4. Most (if not all) functions of MT4 now works with MySQL 4.0.
53315: Can't disable SmartyPants plugin without error upon relogin.
FIXED: If the SmartyPants plugin is disabled or removed and the blog has existing entries that use the Markdown+SmartyPants formatting option, the Markdown plugin will skip SmartyPants processing automatically.
53323: Can't create a new template without tweaking url manually
FIXED: Resolved bug where user could not create a new template without tweaking url manually.
53138: when rebuilding entire blog, Pages rebuild acts incorrectly
FIXED: When rebuilding entire blog, Pages were being published many more times than they should have been. This is no longer the case.
53142: Pages pages only publish to archive directory
CHANGED: Pages will still be published to the site-root, even when archives are set to be published elsewhere.
53155: MT4b3: Widget Managers emptied after upgrade from 3.35
FIXED: Widget Managers emptied after upgrade from 3.35.
53171: Display Options cannot be saved on Roles screen.
FIXED: Resolved bug where Display Options cannot be saved on Roles screen.
53219: List Permissions (Associations) Expanded view is broken
FIXED: The List Permissions (Associations) Expanded view is no longer broken
53724: Can't use string ("") as a subroutine ref
FIXED: MT default CAPTCHA provider requires Image::Magick and access to captcha-source directory under mt-static/images. If this was not the case, MT4 failed in a Perl error when saving blog config settings. This bug has been fixed.
53632: Commenter-author name is garbled on comment form
L10N: Commenter's name sometimes look garbled in Japanese environment due to wrong escaping. The bug has been fixed. Thanks to tamachan who reported the bug immediately after we released Beta 4.
53758: Archive map is gone when adding a new mapping with <$MTCategoryBasename$>.html
FIXED: Creating a custom archive mapping with MTCategoryBasename caused the archive mapping not to be saved. This is now fixed. Thanks again to ekuda who reported the issue.
53801: ArchiveNext on Author archives (incl. Author-Datebased) and Category-Datebased archives links to the latest archive
FIXED: MTArchiveNext pointed to the latest archive page on the sidebar in author related and datebased category archive pages. The bug has been fixed.
53660: Hyphens NOT underscores!!
FIXED: MT4 now defaults to a hyphen instead of an underscore when it automatically generates Entry, Page, Category and Folder basenames. Archive mapping also defaults to hyphen based file template, as opposed to underscore based ones in previous versions.
53853: Clicking "Publish archives outside of Site Root" doesn't cause alt. archive path setting to appear
FIXED: Clicking "Publish archives outside of Site Root" doesn't cause alt. archive path setting to appear - this has been fixed.
53867: No way to delete categories or Folders on listing screens
FIXED: Categories and Folders can now be deleted from their respective listing screens.
53640: DBD::SQLite below version 1.10 still not compatible with MT4
FIXED: Older versions of DBD::SQLite (below 1.11) was not compatible with MT4 data driver. MT4 driver has been fixed to work with older versions of drivers.  Thanks to Hiroki Amano who reported this bug first.
53194: Profile dashboard applet reports wrong time for posts
FIXED: Profile widget for dashboard now shows correct time for posts.
53175: MTAuthors lists the users who are not associated with the blog in dynamic index template
FIXED: MTAuthors lists the users who are not associated with the blog in dynamic index template
53177: MTAuthors with 'sort_order' does not work in dynamic index template
FIXED: MTAuthors with 'sort_order' does not work in dynamic index template
53594: Searching for users produces wrong results
FIXED: Resolved issue where search for users produced results containing templates.
53557: Rebuild icon should be conditioned based on permissions
FIXED: Link to rebuild site is now conditioned based on user's permissions.
53441: Can't comment by OpenID authentication
FIXED: OpenID Commenting was not available in Beta 3 due to wrong name attribute of an HTML input. The bug has been fixed.
53530: Feeds.App Lite page actions should declare mode, args instead of 'link'
FIXED: page_actions registry now accepts mode or dialog, args and permissions for plugins which list page_actions to applications (such as cms) and extend applications with new modes. Feeds.App lite leverages the new functionality. It is now series of dialog operations.
53497: "No authors could be found" message on user permissions screen is confusing
FIXED: "No authors could be found" message on user permissions screen is confusing
53498: User or Group Name not displayed in success messaging
FIXED: User or Group Name not displayed in success messaging
53522: Template build error can make Go Back button disappear
FIXED: Template build error can make Go Back button disappear
52700: "Can't locate Digest/" error on when trying to auth commenter via OpenID
FIXED: "Can't locate Digest/" error on when trying to auth commenter via OpenID
52763: index.html in root of MT dir is old-style
CHANGED: The index.html files in the MT directory have been restyled to match the MT4 look.
52833: Upgrade functions not firing
FIXED: Fixed an issue that prevented plugins from upgrading their tables during the upgrade process.
52847: No "support" directory by default in mt package
FIXED: A support directory is now installed for you by default in your mt-static folder.
52850: "entries with comments in last 7 days" displays wrong.
FIXED: "entries with comments in last 7 days" displays wrong.
53071: "This is you" does not take timezone into account
FIXED: "This is you" does not take timezone into account
52963: Eliminate the 'Rebuild' button when blog is configured to publish everything dynamically
FEATURE: Eliminate the 'Rebuild' button when blog is configured to publish everything dynamically
52966: Dirty bit is not there on the template edit screen
FIXED: Template edit screen did not show warning message when template was edited but not saved. The bug has been fixed.
51638: Dashboard blog stats entries listing doesn't distinguish between published and unpublished entries
FIXED: Dashboard blog stats entries listing doesn't distinguish between published and unpublished entries
52069: fallback is required at lib/MT/ line 1331
FIXED: Fixed a bug that prevented background tasks from running properly.
52525: Incorrect Error on Publishing Settings Page After Submitting Changes
FIXED: Incorrect Error on Publishing Settings Page After Submitting Changes
52036: UI finishing and details
UI: More polish applied to system context screens.
47478: Cloning Blogs and Widget Manager
FIXED: Widgets are now cloned with a blog when a blog is cloned.
52661: MTArchiveCount does not work as expected under dynamic publishing
FIXED: MTArchiveCount returned wrong count for the archive specified. The bug has been fixed, thanks to great help by ekuda who reported the bug long ago. Thank you!
53584: Check StyleCatcher's interaction with theme stylesheets
FIXED: StyleCatcher styles have been applied to default styles.
53585: No action buttons at the bottom of the Activity log
FIXED: Actions buttons have been added to the bottom of the activity log.
53605: [UPG 3.35] Upgarading... message garbled in Firefox
FIXED: Upgrade message is no longer garbled.
53343: Rebuild dialog screens looks a bit funky
FIXED: Rebuild dialog gets some UI tweaks.
53369: The result of template-search is not displayed
FIXED: Template searches were not displaying results. This is fixed.
53370: Some data are not displayed when searching for users
FIXED: User searches now display all appropriate and corresponding data.
53302: No possibility to close inset image dialog from write entry screen when there are no images in system
FIXED: No possibility to close inset image dialog from write entry screen when there are no images in system
53735: Need MTPageMore template variable alias for MTEntryMore
FEATURE: Need MTPageMore template variable alias for MTEntryMore
53744: Minor tweaks to Chromeless
UI: More refinement to chromeless app pages (login, etc).
53878: "Check all" checkbox does not work on Pages listing screen.
FIXED: "Check/Uncheck all" checkbox on the table header did not work. The bug has been fixed.
52952: Small grammatical error in Wordpress import publishing paths message
FIXED: Small grammatical error in Wordpress import publishing paths message
53075: 'No templates could be found' error when going to the template listing screen
FIXED: A "No templates could be found" message was appearing erroneously. This has been fixed.
53069: Alt Text on Search Link
FIXED: Added Alt text for search box for better accessibility.
52208: Sign in image has a gap in the border
FIXED: Login screen had weird gap below logo. Screen no longer appears broken.
52368: URL should be capitalized in mt-wizard "The blog url is required" error message
FIXED: Minor copy change.
52591: Extra blog_id in address bar.
FIXED: Resolved errant blog_id parameter introduced by toggling contexts. Thanks to Chad Everett for reporting this issue.
52603: Date column on Pages and Entries listing screen is ambigious
FIXED: Changed label of date column on pages to "Last modified" and on entries page to "Created on"
The default stylesheet remains unchanged. It is definately our plan to update the stylesheet to remove TypePad and LiveJournal specific styles. Expect many enhancements to the default blog templates.
51668: Zero-state for 1st Admin login and 1st time user login
FEATURE: MT4 now displays a new welcome message to first time users of Movable Type.
FEATURE: MT4 has now been translated into Japanese.
52588: Site path and URL should auto-dirify when creating a blog
FEATURE: Users suggested it would be helpful if we could automatically "dirify" the URLs and publishing paths based upon the name of a new blog they were creating.
52621: Mule Design Adjustments
FEATURE: Many design refinements have been made to this release.
52622: Add tags count to dashboard
FEATURE: We now display a count of the total number of posts tagged "x" on the tags stats report found on the dashboard.
52632: StyleCatcher: "Downloading Styles" dialog for stylecatcher
FEATURE: To make it clearer when StyleCatcher is busy downloading styles, a new dialog appears to inform you that it is indeed working.
52589: Display given name of file first
FIXED: Under Manage > Files the given name of a file is displayed as opposed to the filename.
52112: On dashboard: make comments/entries/tags tab selection sticky
FEATURE: the currently selected stats tab on the MT dashboard is now "sticky" - meaning the currently selected tab will be remembered for when the page is revisited.
52113: New users should default to Entries tab on dashboard
FEATURE: To improve the first time user experience, new users default to the list of "entries" on the dashboard.
26790: MT needs variable interpolation for attributes
FEATURE: MT4 now supports variable interpolation within template tag attributes (ie: <MTEntries lastn="$number">).
47547: Add MTTemplateID tag
FEATURE: A new tag called "MTBuildTemplateID" provides the template id of the index, archive or system template being built.
49279: Commenter signup, registration and profile screen needs to look prettier
FIXED - Commenter signup has been touched up. There are still some known display issues that will be addressed in an upcoming beta.
50902: Created new blog... it was not added to my Blog Selector
FIXED: newly created blogs are automatically added to the blog selection pull down menu, and the user's context is automatically changed to the newly created blog.
51764: Throttling message needs styling
FIXED: errors that occur on the published blog have been properly styled.
51896: No background on Admin pulldown menu for disabled options
UI: Fixed an styling issue for the 'Admin' pulldown menu for non sys-admins.
52276: revise copy on website about account confirmation
FIXED: Revised copy in application and in email to make it clearer regarding the confirmation step necessary to create an account and then comment on a blog. (Thanks Elise)
52322: [UPG 3.171] Error during upgrade from 3.171 to Beta 1 and upgrade fails
Byrne Reese was previously the Product Manager of Movable Type at Six Apart, where he had also held positions as the Manager of Platform Technology and Product Manager for TypePad. Byrne is a huge supporter of the Movable Type user and developer community. He dedicates much of his time to promoting and educating people about Movable Type as well as building the tools and plugins for Movable Type that are showcased on Majordojo. He contributes regularly to open source; and he is an advocate for open protocols and standards like Atom and OpenID.