For those of you who are unfamiliar with EC2, it is a Web service offered by Amazon that allows users to create virtual machines on the Internet quickly and easily. Need a Fedora Server? Click, done. Need a Ubuntu machine? Click, done. And now: need a machine running Movable Type 4? Click, done.
It really is that simple. It's kinda scary. Amazon is simply doing some amazing stuff in the arena of Web services, from EC2 to S3. And they are real. Smug Mug, for example, detailed exactly how they were migrating all of photos to use Amazon's S3 storage solution and it saved themselves millions of dollars in the process. I know Tim has used EC2 to setup obscure testing environments for software he was developing, and I use their web services to maintain a back up of all my personal photos and to power Media Manager. I have read a lot of blog posts from around the Interweb from people speculating on who the "next Google" will be. My money is on Amazon. Amazon: not just for retail anymore kids.
Anyways, back to MT4 and EC2; there is one small catch: EC2 a closed Beta. It requires that you have an Amazon Web Services account that has been granted access to EC2. For those of you have an EC2 account, keep reading this post for instructions on how to access the instance, for everyone else, create an account at Amazon and sign up to use the EC2 service.
I would like to extend my special thanks to Tim for his help, support and especially his ingenuity and initiative in getting this project off the ground. Very cool stuff.
For those of you that have gotten into Amazon's EC2 beta, Tim has created a Movable Type 4.0 instance and has shared it with the public so that anyone participating in the EC2 beta can launch it at will.
Here are the vitals:
- AMI ID: ami-5691743f
- URL: http://your.ec2.instance/cgi-bin/mt/mt.cgi
- MT Username: Melody
- MT Password: Nelson
Notes on Configuration
While this instance gives you a working MT system out of the box, there is one configuration setting that you'll need to perform -- you'll need to adjust the URL of the default blog to reflect the domain name or IP that has been assigned to your instance by EC2.
1. Login to MT
2. From the Dashboard (the screen you get after logging in)
3. Select Blog Settings from under the Preferences menu
4. The click "Publishing" in the left hand navigation
5. Change the Site URL field to reflect your EC2 instance domain name or IP
6. Click Save Changes at the bottom
Getting Access to EC2
Tim is one of the lucky ones having gotten access to EC2. Even some of us die hards at Six Apart don't even have out beta accounts (drat!). So Tim has been gracious enough to offer helping people get the access they need should they require it. He can't promise anything, but he might be able to help. Be nice to Tim and don't abuse his good will!
tima [typekey.com] on December 4, 2007, 1:53 p.m. Reply
Here are a couple of updates on the MT4 on EC2 image:
The EC2 beta program is now open to virtually anyone who signs up for an account.
Each time an Amazon machine image (AMI) is updated the identifier changes. The AMI listed above is no longer current. Check the images home page for the most current ID number and any changes in the setup and bundling of the software.
mdepuy.myopenid.com on December 9, 2007, 6:34 p.m. Reply
Hello Tim. Is the MT4 image production worthy? Or should it only be used for Development?
Thanks, Mike
Mike Lawren on August 30, 2012, 2:23 a.m. Reply
How much does this service cost?
Helena Oxford on September 23, 2012, 9:35 p.m. Reply
Byrne, some links in your article are no longer active.
Inchirieri Masini on October 17, 2012, 1:08 p.m. Reply
How much does this service cost ?
Gabriela Johnson on October 18, 2012, 8:52 p.m. Reply
Is there some kind of online help from Amazon or you which can help us create such kind of virtual machine? I am getting difficult to create some.
Steven Jonson on November 6, 2012, 5:29 a.m. Reply
Who will be the next Google? I bet on Google to remain, because they have the money and power to steel every interesting idea around them and to recreated it with their brand. Yes, they suffered with Google Wave and probably with Google+, but made a great deal with scanning books and giving them for free.
Emma Jones on November 11, 2012, 10:29 p.m. Reply
Is it the same as the demo site made by Mihai Buskaru? Mihai’s site seems to be pretty cool in my opinion or there is something more on the Amazon version?
Matilda Johnson on December 12, 2012, 5:19 a.m. Reply
This service looks great. Is it free of charge or there is a payment?
Lina Torstein on December 20, 2012, 6:52 a.m. Reply
Hi, I tried to log in into Amazon services, but it gave an error. For an user name Amazon wants e-mail, not a user name so I can use Melody as an user name. Can you help me, plz…