Movable Type is supported on a number of different web servers, but perhaps the most popular is the
Apache Web Server. Below is a quick guide to help people setup their Apache Web Server to run Movable Type 4.
Virtually all unix machines come with Perl already on the machine, but they all setup support for CGI just a little bit differently, which sometimes requires users to do some tweaking before they can get started. There are primarily two predominant configurations of Apache that will be discussed, running MT inside and outside of cgi-bin.
Running Movable Type Inside cgi-bin
Most commonly web servers are setup with a cgi-bin directory pre-configured. If you choose to run Movable Type in this directory, there is a limitation about the cgi-bin directory you must be aware of: static files such as images, stylesheets and javascript cannot be served or read by a web browser from this directory. Only CGI scripts can run here. Period. Nothing else.
Therefore you must place the 'mt-static' directory found within Movable Type in a different web accessible directory. This often goes into the root directory of your web server.
Once that has been done you need to edit your mt-config.cgi file, or if you are using the Movable Type install wizard, set your StaticWebPath to the fully qualified URL of your newly moved mt-static directory. For example:
If you are using the install wizard then click the retry button to see if your browser is able to access your static content. Otherwise, simply re-load Movable Type to see if the application is styled properly.
Running Movable Type Outside cgi-bin (recommended)
Because of the limitations Apache places upon cgi-bin directories mounted by the ScriptAlias directive, it is often easier to "bless" a directory running Movable Type with the ability to execute CGI scripts. This can be done by adding the following text to either your .htaccess file or Apache's httpd.conf file.
<Directory /path/to/movabletype>
Options Indexes ExecCGI
Obviously, you should replace "/path/to/movabletype" with the fully qualified path on your web server's file system to point to the directory in which Movable Type is installed.
With Apache configured this way, there is no need to setup or move your mt-static directory. This makes future upgrades much easier to manage.
Byrne Reese on July 2, 2007, 2:45 p.m. Reply
A quick note: One thing to be mindful of is that when “Running Movable Type Outside cgi-bin” that your document root directory has the “AllowOverride” configuration directive set to “All”. That will enable your configuration to for a dedicated MT directory to work.
Byrne Reese on July 2, 2007, 4:11 p.m. Reply
Here is another tip and best practive IMHO:
In a standard Apache install (one installed via RPM or apt) a directory is often created for you: /etc/httpd/conf.d/
Inside this directory you will find configuration files for the various modules and applications that are installed that each require their own configuration settings.
I recommend creating a dedicated mt.conf file in your conf.d directory that will contain all of your Movable Type configuration directives. An example mt.conf file might contain:
Nei on July 2, 2007, 7:02 p.m. Reply
Keep in mind that allowing cgi scripts to be run from anywhere can impose an additional security risk to your server.
Byrne Reese on July 2, 2007, 9:14 p.m. Reply
@Nei - This is a very good point and I am glad you brought it up.
Do you not feel that this perception is a relic of a by-gone era when CGI scripts were less prevalent? I mean, PHP and other web based scripting languages do not have any such security restrictions in place (which has contributed a great deal to their wide adoption).
While I think it is wise to be security conscious and to craft a security policy that makes sense for your server, it would be incredibly helpful for someone to articulate the real security threat, and not a theoretical and hypothetical one.
I suppose the advantage of Perl over PHP is that because of Perl’s somewhat ancient legacy with Apache and web scripting is that it is the only language that has unique and special security policy capabilities… I suppose.
Jay Allen on July 5, 2007, 12:28 p.m. Reply
Byrne, you’re absolutely right. As someone who has been doing development on the web back to the Mosaic 0.98 days and who served as Sr. System Administrator for a very large telecommunications company back in the mid-nineties, I can tell you that the stigma against running executable scripts outside of “THE” executable script directory is an artifact of an ugly past where rogue hacks (in the worst meaning of the word) ran their swiss cheesy scripts outside of the only place where sysadmins formerly could bolt things down. This led to years of formmail hijaackings, buffer overflows, 0wnz3red sites and the like.
However, thanks in large part to the workings of the Apache project and the subsequent consolidation of development talent on a single excellent web server (not counting that other one), we have a seriously solid and battle-tested executable environment to work with.
As always, security is a “weakest link” concept. If you have hacks writing crappy insecure code or sysadmins who are either too overworked or too underinvested to focus on security, you’re going to have issues.
The most secure perl app is just as secure as the most secure PHP app (or Ruby, or Python or whatever). The least secure is a wide open door in any language. Where you run your apps only matter if your system administrators haven’t done their jobs and in the case of Low Low Price shared hosting environments, this is sadly all too often the case. You absolutely get what you pay for.
These days like all before it, the big threats are not to well-written, ultra-security conscious apps like Movable Type (and it really is a shining beacon of those characteristics) but hackish scripts (“hey look, I can write bulletin board web software too!”) put together by someone who just knows enough of a particular language to make something work. PHP has garnered he “bad boy” image of late because the barrier to entry is so low and some defaults were historically on the loose side, but even that has changed.
In short (because this hasn’t been), with some notable exceptions, these days it very much comes down to people, not technology, language or placement.
Nei on July 5, 2007, 5:21 p.m. Reply
By the way, using AllowOverride All has other dangerous implications you should be well aware of before mindlessly copying this “recommendation” into your httpd.conf.
It results in anyone with access to .htaccess files (which is also especially Movable Type itself) to reconfigure almost your whole webserver. We’ve seen some effects of that when the beta wrote .htaccess files disabling user-set error pages.
This option can even crash your webserver if putting some directives in your .htaccess (such as mod_rewrite configuration).
Nei on July 6, 2007, 2:15 a.m. Reply
Why is it then, that you’re apparently not using your own-recommended setup for this website and Looks to me like there’s still the crufted /cgi-bin/ in your Movable Type paths.
Also keep in mind that setting +ExecCGI does not mean only that the Movable Type scripts will be executed. It doesn’t even mean that only Perl scripts will be executed. In fact, any program the user manages to stuff in their public_html can be executed.
I don’t think that allowing PHP to be placed outside of the /cgi-bin/ has in particular contributed to its popularity.
Other factors such as easy embedding in html, the lack of need to “chmod” the files, a general friendliness towards illiterate and a good coverage of inbuilt functions are much more likely to be decisive factors.
While I acknowledge that it is an “easy way out” for intermediate or experienced website managers, I like to focus on two cases:
You might want to give people the power to blog.
In this case, it isn’t generally wise to also give them the ability to run arbitrary scripts, which they could when ExecCGI is set.
(I don’t think you allow custom scripts on your hosted services either, do you?)
Granted, you could set up suEXEC (you should do that regardless the case) and then blame it on the people when they get owned.
But it’s mostly more cozy if you don’t have to deal with these issues.
You consider yourself a “pro” and are running the site just for yourself.
I can see how it might be tempting to allow scripts to be run from anywhere. But most of the time this doesn’t even make sense, because scripts are vastly different from “html with a bit of scripting embedded”.
In summary, there is little to no reason to avoid the cgi separation.
I think we can assume that most people would want to keep their mt*.cgi files seperate from their blog anyway. This means it is easy to designate just the directory in which you placed Movable Type as a Script directory.
Apologies for sounding so harsh, but this is absolutely nonsense.
You could further facilitate this process by shipping the MT-*.tar files with a directory structure such as follows:
In comparison, a directory configured like this…
…uses the file extension to decide which files are to be treated as scripts and which ones are to be served naturally.
If you even use a configuration which is further recommended by these docs like the following:
…you turn on “Indexes”, which means that people can see all the content in a directory when there is no index.html file.
Now let’s take a look at the benefits of using a designated cgi-bin directory. (By the way, I’m not argueing that you should name your cgi-bin directory “cgi-bin”. Feel free to name it “movabletype” or whatever seems appropriate.)
This means that on a webserver configured in such a fashion like recommended by these docs, people are able to view in plain source the content of all the files in your Movable Type installation. (Even if you omit the Indexes, people will still be able to view the content of files.)
Amongst other things, this facilitates infringing intellectual property rights on custom-made or paid-for Movable Type scripts/plugins or might reveal the source of “linked” template files and other files that random people do not need to have access to.
A further potential issue is that bad things can happen if your webserver config goes awry and you’ve shuffled the Movable Type files directly into your public_html directory.
The most endangered file in this case is your mt-config.cgi which contains your database password in clear text.
I can hear you laugh, “What? There is no way something like this will happen to me!”. But should for some reason the Options +ExecCGI directive become disabled (for example during a Debian Apache 2.0 to Apache 2.2 upgrade), suddenly your Movable Type configuration will be readable all over the web!
Using a designated cgi-bin directory outside your public_html can further help to protect you from such misfortune.
Another nice benefit of not detecting scripts by extension is that you can easily offer self-written .cgi scripts for download on your website without having to change the extension to .txt or wrapping them up in a .zip-archive.
Do yourself a favour and use a designated script directory; the price is small and it stops you from accidentally uploading programs that weren’t mean to be run.
Personally, our public_html directories of course have no ExecCGI permissions.
Ultimately, rather than trying to educate people, make it so that they don’t need to be educated is always a much more wise approach.
Of course, this cannot protect you from putting malicious scripts inside your cgi-bin, but at least you need to think about what you put inside there.
PS: There seems to be a mysterious problem with my comments. This is already the second time one of my submissions got lost/ wasn’t published. I wonder why?