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Movable Type 4.0 Default Templates

Index Templates

Archive Templates

System Templates

Template Modules




Clifton on September 28, 2007, 2:38 p.m. Reply

The template module code you have here differs from that which is made available in a fresh install of MT 4.01.

The difference, as far as I can tell comes with module includes. In the above, you use:

<$MTInclude module=”<__trans phrase=”Tags”>”$>

But in the default templates, the code is:

<$MTInclude module=”Tags”$>

Please reconcile the differences so others don’t pull their hair out like I did. :)

Jason A. Lefkowitz

Jason A. Lefkowitz on January 4, 2008, 2:40 p.m. Reply

The template module “Sidebar (2-column)” provided here causes MT4 to throw multiple template errors when you paste it into a new blank template module.

Also, you should probably consider changing the names of the modules as shown on this page so that they’re in line with the references inside the templates/modules themselves. For instance, “Sidebar (2-column)” needs to be named “Sidebar - 2 Column Layout” to work correctly with the other modules.


Brock on January 12, 2008, 6:44 p.m. Reply

The Tag Listing Template Module code is a little messed up. In line 5, double quotes are used within the glue argument, which ends that argument and screws up the display a little bit. It should use single quotes for class=’delimiter’ and class=’entry-tag’ within the glue argument.