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Movable Type 8.3.0 Release Notes

This version is an internal release, and included in 8.4.0.

New and improved features

  • Checked for required core modules in MT and displayed appropriate messages (MTC-29631)
  • Added a button to expand or collapse all editing areas in ContentFields (MTC-25137)
  • Enabled using system environment variable values for configuring MT (MTC-29619)
  • Enabled logging of processing time when rebuilding from the rebuild popup (MTC-27174)
  • Included generated file sizes in the logs for background publishing (MTC-27699)
  • Organized background publishing logs by job (MTC-29607)
  • Enabled encryption of sent emails without SMTP authentication (SUPPORT-141)
  • Allowed Cache-Control response headers to be set for unnecessary content in the admin screen’s cache (MTC-28432)
  • Set X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff on all admin screen pages (MTC-29587)
  • Optimized the number of times metadata is retrieved during file uploads (MTC-29528)
  • Updated the MTBlockEditor plugin from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 (MTC-29632)
  • Added a confirmation dialog when deleting entry or web page assets (MTC-11922)

Resolved issues

  • Fixed an issue where clicking a radio button in list tables would deselect it (MTC-28812)
  • Corrected the behavior to return a 400 Bad Request instead of a server error when request data is invalid or corrupted (MTC-29494)
  • Fixed an issue where individual pages embedding WebP images could not be displayed correctly in dynamic publishing (MTC-29630)
  • Fixed an issue where the checkboxes for parent and child sites in the "Grant Permissions" dialog were interconnected and could not be operated separately (MTC-29627)
  • Fixed an issue where reordering fields immediately after adding a new field in the ContentType editing screen would not apply (MTC-28344)
  • Fixed an issue where logs with the same timestamp would sometimes appear in reverse order in the list (MTC-29616)
  • Corrected an HTML typo in the dashboard screen (MTC-29611)
  • Fixed an issue where & in user information URLs accessed from user actions was escaped (MTC-29609)
  • Fixed an issue where individual ContentTypes could not be selected in the options when exporting a theme (MTC-26647)
  • Fixed an issue where modal screens, such as those for image uploads, sometimes failed to display (CLOUD-385)
  • Fixed an issue where warnings were logged when importing export data of sites containing entries (MTC-29604)
  • Prevented warnings related to undefined values in PHP 8.3 (MTC-29583)
  • Removed unnecessary single quotes in the System Information screen (MTC-29588)
  • Automatically saved input data for tags, asset-related fields, and ContentType fields (MTC-26992)
  • Fixed an issue where changing a custom field value from an empty string to "0" and saving an entry did not leave an update history (MTC-29584)
  • Fixed an issue where modifying only the newly added custom field value in an existing entry and saving it did not leave an update history (MTC-26032)
  • Fixed an issue where the order of list actions in the site list screen changed after reloading the browser (MTC-29574)
  • Fixed an issue where the first letter of words in the English labels for list actions on the site list screen was not capitalized (MTC-29577)
  • Fixed font size discrepancies in the description text for Site Path and Archive Path (MTC-29573)
  • Fixed an untranslated or in the example included in the caution note when specifying a site path (MTC-29571)
  • Revised the description text for Site Path and Archive Path displayed during the import of child sites when site path restrictions are in place (MTC-26341)
  • Revised the description text for Site Path and Archive Path displayed during site duplication when site path restrictions are in place (MTC-29570)

Server Sync

  • Added a mode in server publishing to enforce the use of the connection host in passive mode (CLOUD-408)

Security fixes and improvements

  • Updated TinyMCE6 from 6.8.2 to 6.8.3 ([MTC-29614])

Deprecated features

  • Marked the currently unused "MT->slug_version" as a candidate for removal (MTC-29620)
  • Re-marked "MT::CMS::Asset::upload_file" as deprecated (MTC-29605)
  • Marked the EnableArchivePaths configuration directive as deprecated (MTC-29581)
  • Removed the feature for resizing images based on display area during upload (MTC-29569)
  • Removed the registration processes for some "api_pre_save" / "api_post_save" / "api_save_filter" callbacks (those used in XMLRPC API, Atom Publishing API, and unused ones) (MTC-29582)