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Movable Type 8.1.0 Release Notes

This version is an internal release, and included in 8.4.0.

New and improved features

  • Added an item “Reboot” to restart own PSGI process to Side Navigation when running as PSGI (MTC-28324)
  • Disabled plugins automatically that occurred errors in initial loading (MTC-29310)
  • Added attributes autocapitalize="off" and autocorrect="off" to input element of username on Sign In page (MTC-29397)
  • Added a new"reboot"callback (MTC-29394)
  • Added class and category details to log messages output by MT::log and MT::App::log (MTC-29311)
  • Enabled files under both the explicitly configured StaticFilePath and MT_HOME/mt-static to be output as mt-static files in PSGI environments (MTC-29307)
  • Enabled explicit naming of ContentType in data handled by MT::Theme::ContentData (MTC-29261)
  • Added support for Fluent::Logger as a logging module. Set the configuration directive LoggerModule to Fluentd to enable this feature (MTC-29179)
  • Enabled specifying log files compatible with"Log::Dispatch::Config" using the Configuration Directive "LoggerConfig" when the Configuration Directive "LogModule" is set to "Dispatch" (MTC-29178)
  • Modified code related to ContentType permissions to improve admin screen responsiveness (MTC-29056)

Server Sync

  • Improved the user interface for delivery settings when using S3. Automatically retrieve list of buckets and show selectable once set the Access Key and Secret Access Key, and hid sensitive information, such as passwords, in the user interface (MTC-29038)

Updated Features

  • Updated jQuery Validate Plugin from v1.19.5 to v1.20.0 (MTC-29334)

Resolved issues

  • Fixed an issue where the “Insert Link” button did not work correctly on the edit screen for Entry or Web Page when the format was set to"None"or"Markdown" (MTC-28800)
  • Corrected the incorrect Perl version requirements in the execution results of mt-check.cgi for MT8 (SUPPORT-305)
  • Enabled searching template content using the browser’s search function even when code highlighting is enabled in the template editing screen (SUPPORT-292)
  • Improved log clarity by distinguishing logs for IP address locks caused by sign-in failures from those for user account locks (SUPPORT-291)
  • Corrected the mount point for the support directory in PSGI environments from "SupportURL" to "SupportDirectoryURL" (MTC-29405)
  • Ensured appropriate logs were recorded even when an error occurred during email sending (MTC-29404)
  • Fixed an issue where validation for asset names was not working in the asset editing screen (MTC-29393)
  • Removed European language settings from mt-config.cgi-original (MTC-29306)
  • Corrected links in the primary navigation (MTC-29305)
  • Fixed an issue where entry_convert_breaks was referenced in custom fields regardless of the object type when using dynamic publishing (MTC-29303)
  • Ensured proper log messages are output when an error occurs in MT::App::Search (MTC-29299)
  • Fixed validation issues for numeric fields in ContentField (MTC-29297)
  • Prevented unnecessary log messages from being output when using the "parent" modifier with the "MTInclude" tag (MTC-29285)
  • Fixed an issue where the close button for dismissible messages in the admin screen was improperly aligned to the left, ensuring it is correctly displayed on the right of the message box (MTC-29281)
  • Updated MT::SyncLog to use the "administer_site" role internally (MTC-29280)
  • Disabled the use of relative paths in the configuration directives "UserTemplatePath", "UserPluginPath", and "UserThemesDirectory" (MTC-29279)
  • Fixed an error on the dashboard when the provider for site information was unavailable (MTC-29278)
  • Fixed an issue where roles with the "administer_site" permission could not be assigned in a site’s "Manage Members"section (MTC-29273)
  • Prevented PHP warnings related to dynamic publishing (MTC-29264)
  • Corrected an incorrect description of "alert-dismissible" (MTC-29263)
  • Prevented PHP warnings from occurring when using custom fields with dynamic publishing (MTC-29252)
  • Fixed an issue where the error "Can't locate object method "exist" via package "MT::FileInfo"" occurred during rebuilds (MTC-29251)
  • Prevented columns specified as primary keys from being updated when saving via MT::CMS::Common::save (MTC-29206)
  • Fixed an issue in the user editing screen where the browser’s autocomplete unnecessarily filled the password field, causing errors (MTC-29203)
  • Fixed an issue in Data API v6 where errors related to site information could occur (MTC-29202)
  • Fixed an issue in the ContentField "Image Asset" where assets from other sites appeared in search results when adding an asset (MTC-29194)
  • Made user account lock determinations case-sensitive for usernames (MTC-28929)
  • Updated error messages related to site duplication to avoid using "Website" or "Blog" (MTC-28858)

Security fixes and improvements

  • Updated TinyMCE included in the TinyMCE plugins to versions 5.10.9 and 6.7.3 respectively (MTC-29262)