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This is documentation about a configuration directive, which can be placed within Movable Type’s core configuration file, mt-config.cgi, to customize the behavior of the system.

White list of comma-separated asset file extensions which may be uploaded.

Regex syntax is supported. For example, jpe?g covers both “jpeg” and “jpg”.


Default asset extensions supported in MT:

AssetFileExtensions gif, jpe?g, png, bmp, tiff?, mp3, ogg, aiff, wav, wma, aac, flac, m4a, mov, avi, 3gp, asf, mp4, qt, wmv, asx, mpg, flv, mkv, ogm

There is a related directive called DeniedAssetFileExtensions, and it has a default value as following. If you wish to upload one of these file extensions, you also need to specify DeniedAssetFileExtensions by excluding the extension which you permit.

DeniedAssetFileExtensions ascx, asis, asp, aspx, bat, cfc, cfm, cgi, cmd, com, cpl, dll, exe, htaccess, htm, html, inc, jhtml, js, jsb, jsp, mht, mhtml, msi, php, php2, php3, php4, php5, phps, phtm, phtml, pif, pl, pwml, py, reg, scr, sh, shtm, shtml, vbs, vxd


Add support for pdf, and MS Word doc extensions:

AssetFileExtensions gif, jpe?g, png, bmp, tiff?, mp3, ogg, aiff, wav, wma, aac, flac, m4a, mov, avi, 3gp, asf, mp4, qt, wmv, asx, mpg, flv, mkv, ogm, pdf, docx?

Allow only limited type of images and PDF

AssetFileExtensions gif, jpe?g, png, pdf

1 Comment

caderea parului on March 9, 2012, 5:10 a.m. Reply

It’s called Regex ? I always thought it was named “wildcard” or am I wrong ?