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Web Services Settings

The Web Services Settings screen allows you to configure how Movable Type interacts with external web services from Six Apart and other providers.

External Notifications

  • Notify ping services of website updates: Notification services track which blogs have been updated and when. Check the boxes here and MT will notify the most common and popular notification services, or other sites that you specify that support the blog ping API. (Learn more about the blog ping API.)

Google Analytics

Google Analytics integration was added in version 6

See Linking to Google Analytics

Web Services from Six Apart

This section was removed in version 6

This section allows you to configure Movable Type to interact with the TypeKey (TypePad) and Recently Updated services provided by Six Apart.

  • TypePad Setup: To enable commenters on your blog to sign in using Six Apart’s TypeKey authentication service, you must provide Movable Type your TypeKey API key.
    • If you have a TypeKey account, click the “Obtain TypePad token” button to sign into your TypeKey account and have Movable Type automatically retrieve your API key.
    • If you do not have a TypeKey account, you can create one for free by visiting Once you have registered, you can either click the “Obtain TypeKey API Key” button, or manually retrieve your API key from your “Account Preferences” page in TypeKey and paste it into the field provided.