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This Template Tag assigns parameters to refer to each variable that corresponds to an action. Use this to output items other than titles and URLs when using plugins to expand services.

This is a part of the ActionStreams plugin that comes with MT 4.25.


<mt:ActionStreams lastn="15">
<mt:If name="first">
<div class="widget-recent-action widget-recent widget">
<h3 class="widget-header">15 recent actions</a></h3>
<div class="widget-content">
<li class="service-<$mt:var name="service_type"$>"><a href="<$mt:StreamActionVar name="url"$>"><$mt:StreamActionVar name="title"$></a></li>
<mt:If name="last">

Default Usage:

<$mt:StreamActionVar name="parameter"$>

Possible Parameters

  • <$mt:StreamActionVar name="title">

    Outputs an action’s title. The content is the same as that of the <mt:StreamActionTitle> functional tag.

  • <$mt:StreamActionVar name="url">

    Outputs the URL for a page with the details of the action
