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This template tag outputs the image (img) parameters for a Photo post.

This template tag is related to the custom fields that are automatically generated when you use Motion template sets. It can only be used with blogs created with Motion template sets.


<$mt:EntryPostType setvar="posttype"$>
<mt:If name="entry
type" eq="photo">
<mt:If name="entrytype" eq="link">
<mt:If name="entry
type" eq="embed">
<mt:If name="entry_type" eq="audio">



thirteencentpinball on September 30, 2009, 1:46 p.m. Reply

This appears to break. After much testing I went back to some other code and managed to get this to work, to display an image rather than a link.

" />

thirteencentpinball on September 30, 2009, 1:49 p.m. Reply

This appears to break. After much testing I went back to some other code and managed to get this to work, to display an image rather than a link.

Sorry, that’s: <mt:If tag=”EntryPhotoAsset”> <mt:EntryPhotoAsset> <img src=”<mt:AssetURL />” /> </mt:EntryPhotoAsset> </mt:If>