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Guide to mt-config.cgi Configuration File

The mt-config.cgi file is a plain text file containing configuration directives. A small set are required and the rest are optional.

Required Configuration Directives

The required configuration directives tell the Movable Type application the URL where it is installed and the database settings.

  1. The minimum basic mt-config.cgi when using MySQL are:

    ObjectDriver        DBI::mysql
    Database            DATABASE_NAME
    DBUser              DATABASE_USERNAME
    DBPassword          DATABASE_PASSWORD
    DBHost              localhost

    Note: Advanced database config directives:

  2. If the mt-static directory is left in the application directory on the file system, but aliased to a url which is not directly in the CGIPath (it’s common that static files cannot be accessed in the cgi-bin directory), then add the StaticWebPath:

  3. If the mt-static directory is moved out of the application directory, then add the StaticFilePath:

    StaticFilePath      /var/www/html/mt-static/
  4. View other commonly used configuration directives to determine if these are needed for your system:

  5. Upload (or save) the mt-config.cgi file to the application directory.

  6. Access Movable Type and complete the last installation steps:

    • Creating the administrator account.
    • Creating the first website.
    • Initializing the database with configuration options, admin account, and first webstie.

View the installation guides for more information on these last steps.



Garey on August 31, 2012, 1:10 a.m. Reply

What does DBPort do in this config file?

1001bonnesaffaires on October 14, 2012, 10:53 a.m. Reply

The config.cgi file is a plain text file containing configuration directives. A small set are required and the rest are optional. The Melody home directory contains a file named config.cgi-original which can be edited and then saved under the name config.cgi to provide the appropriate variables for your web hosting environment.