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Double space creates Â

Asked by shaun
Posted April 1, 2014.

Many times when I use a double space, Movable Type interprets it as an Â. how do I fix this?


2 Answers

Dave Aiello

Dave Aiello on April 1, 2014, 1:23 p.m. Reply

This may be occurring because the database tables underlying Movable Type are encoded using a different character set than Movable Type is configured to use.

I would check the database table definitions to see if they are encoded for UTF-8. If not, I would add a PublishCharset configuration directive to your mt-config.cgi file. See for more information.

Maarten Schenk

Maarten Schenk on April 2, 2014, 4:41 a.m. Reply

Besides the database and the PublishCharset configuration of Movable Type, it could also be that your webserver is configured to use a different encoding. Ideally, all three (database, MT and webserver) should have matching character sets configured.

More on this topic:

Dave Aiello

Dave is the CEO of After6 Services LLC, the largest provider of Movable Type Pro support. After6 is headquartered in Newtown, PA.

Before he started After6 Services, Dave was the co-manager of Movable Type Pro and Enterprise Support for Six Apart and worked on large-scale Movable Type deployments for Six Apart Services in New York City.

Twitter: @daveaiello

Maarten Schenk

Maarten Schenk is an independent Movable Type expert with his own Movable Type services company ( Before that he worked at Six Apart from 2004 until early 2010. He blogs about Movable Type on his blog Movable Tips.


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