I’m using the MT CAPTCHA to verify real comments on our blog, but the CAPTCHA is unreadable. I have a black background on the blog, the the CAPTCHA is black type on a dark grey/black pattern. How does one change the colors of the CAPTCHA?
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I’m using the MT CAPTCHA to verify real comments on our blog, but the CAPTCHA is unreadable. I have a black background on the blog, the the CAPTCHA is black type on a dark grey/black pattern. How does one change the colors of the CAPTCHA?
Charlie Gorichanaz on February 14, 2014, 3:04 a.m. Reply
Hello Allen,
In a default Movable Type installation, the source images used to build the CAPTCHAs are stored in
.These images could be edited to change their colors, but it would be safer to make a copy of the directory (such as
), edit those images and then point MT at the new directory by adding a CaptchaSourceImageBase directive to the mt-config.cgi configuration file.Note the new images should keep the same dimensions and properties, such as the characters having transparent backgrounds.