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Entry Display Order within a Category

Asked by Pam
Posted September 26, 2013, in Featured.

How do I change the order of entries that are loaded in a category?


2 Answers

Dave Aiello

Dave Aiello on September 26, 2013, 3:54 p.m. Reply

There are lots of ways to affect the order of entries within a category archive in Movable Type.

You can use the attributes of the mt:Entries tag to “specify exactly which entries to show on your page. Attributes can be used in combination to sort, select, and filter entries exactly as desired.”

For example,

<mt:Entries sort_order="ascend">
would show the entries in the category in chronological order, rather than reverse chronological order, which is considered the typical entry order for most blogs.


Rick on October 5, 2013, 2:02 a.m. Reply

By default the most recent entries are listed first (by “authored_on” attribute. You can easily change the publish date from the Edit Entry panel.

You can also create a template to display “sticky” entries at the top. See

Dave Aiello

Dave is the CEO of After6 Services LLC, the largest provider of Movable Type Pro support. After6 is headquartered in Newtown, PA.

Before he started After6 Services, Dave was the co-manager of Movable Type Pro and Enterprise Support for Six Apart and worked on large-scale Movable Type deployments for Six Apart Services in New York City.

Twitter: @daveaiello



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