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Plugin and Theme Directory

Mark Carey

Add Category

Add Category is a simple MT Plugin that enables you to select multiple entries and add them to one or more categories at the same time. This can be a timesaver if you want to add a bunch of entries

Ajax Comments

Enables your comment submission using AJAX, without refreshing the page.

Ajax Rating

Ajax Rating is a plugin for Movable Type that enables visitors to rate your entries or your blog. The “Pro” version of Ajax Rating lets you rate comments, trackbacks, categories, authors, tags, and just about anything else. Added features include

Ajax Ratings Pro

Ajax Rating is a plugin for Movable Type that enables visitors to rate your entries or your blog.

Blog Janitor

Blog Janitor is a plugin for Movable Type that preforms various clean-up tasks. Blog Janitor can perform the following tasks: * Close comments on old entries. * Delete duplicate comments and trackbacks Blog Janitor does his work automatically, you don’t


CacheBlock is a plugin that can dramatically speed up publishing by caching blocks of built template code. CacheBlock is very flexible, enabling you to cache an entire page, a small template snippet, a template module, a sidebar widget, and entire


Movable Type includes templates for the total number of comments in a blog (MTBlogCommentCount) and the total number of comments on an entry (MTEntryCommentCount). But there is no similar template tag for the total number of comments in a category.

Comment Registration

Comment Registration is a plugin for Movable Type that enables readers to register an account on your site and login to post comments. Commenters register and login directly with your site, not via an external authentication service (this plugin does

Comment Titles

Enables you to add a “Title” field to your comments form, so commenter can include a title for their comment.

Customized Email Templates

This plugin enables MT4 sites to customize email notification templates on per-blog basis. Using the familiar MT4 template management screens, you can easily customize the emails that get sent out by the system. For example, you could change the order

Customized Sign In Templates

The Customized Sign In Templates plugin enables MT4 sites to customize the commenter sign in and registration screens. MT4 include built-in support for commenter registration and login. By default, the screens where commenters login and register are system templates that


Thwarts SpamBots by disguising the TrackBackURL. No new template tags provided or needed.

Dynamic Menus

The Dynamic Menus plugin for Movable Type 4 (MT4) hides inactive menu items in the MT4 user interface.

Entry Post

Entry Post is a plugin for Movable Type that enables visitors to your site to submit entries using a form. Visitors do not need a user account and they do not need to login (optionally, you can require that users

Entry to Page Converter

Entry To Page Converter is a plugin for Movable Type 4 that enables you to convert Entries into Pages. Pages are a new feature in MT4 that you can use to create pages that are not really “entries.” In previous

Facebook Tools

Automatically Post New Entries to Facebook The Facebook Tools plugin for Movable Type enables you to easily and automatically share your MT entries on Facebook. The plugin pushes updates directly to Facebook immediately when entries are published, avoiding the delays

Fast Search

Fast Search is a PHP plugin that uses Movable Type’s dynamic PHP-based publishing system to display search results. For many sites - especially ones with a large number of entries - Fast Search can provide faster searching with lower CPU


Flickr photos is a plugin that enables you to display thumbnail links of Flickr photos in your Movable Type blog. Flickr Photos focuses on displaying lists of photos, in many possible ways.

FriendFeed Comments

FriendFeed is service that enables you aggregate and share your stuff from many other web sites, all in one place. Your feed can pull in your blog RSS feeds, photos from Flickr, videos from YouTube, tweets from Twitter, and many

MT Forum

An integrated forum plugin for Movable Type sites.

Navigation Breadcrumbs

The Navigation Breadcrumbs plugin for Movable Type 4 (MT4) adds navigation “breadcrumbs” to administration interface. These are links at the top of each screen that helps show you where you are in the interface, and provides links to go up


Pagination is plugin that enables you to paginate lists of entries. For example, at the bottom of your home page, you could add a “Next” link so your readers can go to “Page 2” and read previous entries. You can

Spam Firewall

Spam Firewall is a plugin that can help reduce the load cause by comment and trackback spam. The goal of Spam Firewall is to block 80% of spam attempts before they reach MT’s comment and trackback scripts. As the name

Template Exporter

Template Exporter is a plugin for Movable Type that enables you to easily export your blog templates in a way that can be shared, distributed, or even sold to to others.

Template Inheritance

Template Inheritance is a plugin for Movable Type that enables you to link templates together in a way that one template inherits its template code from another template. One example is when you have two or more blogs in your

Template Installer

Template Installer is a plugin for Movable Type that makes it easy to install new template sets for your blogs. Combined with Template Exporter plugin, this makes is very easy: - For bloggers to share templates / widgets with others

Trusted Commenters

This plugin enables you to trust commenters on you blog — without requiring them to login via TypeKey or other authentication service.


Auto-Tweet New Entries to Twitter The TwitterTools plugin for Movable Type enables you to easily and automatically share your MT entries on Twitter. The plugin pushes tweets directly to Twitter immediately when entries are published, avoiding the delays of other

User Profiles

Add User Photos (Avatars) using the User Profiles plugin. User Profiles is a plugin for Movable Type 4 that extends the user profiles in MT4. Version 1.0 adds the ability to user profile images (sometimes called avatars) from within the

Visitor Stats

Visitor Stats is a plugin for Movable Type 4.0 that displays visitor and page view statistics for MT4 blogs. Visitor Stats Pro provides even more statistics and widgets.

Wordpress Interface for Movable Type

WP Interface is a plugin for Movable Type that provides a user interface very similar to Wordpress. Loosely based on the iPhone interface for MT, this plugin provides a simple interface to some of the functions of MT. The interface

memcached Stats

Memcached Stats is a plugin that provides a admin dashboard widget that displays stats for each of the memcached servers in your MT config. Memcached is an optional advanced feature with MT4. You can read more about memcached here, and