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Acronym is a plugin for Movable Type tha
Converts stray ampersands to entity refe
ArchiveYears produces yearly tables of m
Movable Type weblog entry and comment au
BookQueue is a Movable Type plugin which
This plugin can be used in a Category Ar
Collect, collate, and display HTML tags
This plugin implements a set of template
This Movable Type plugin implements a se
A wide variety of calendar/Date related
Display text depending on whether or not
Adds a global filter decode_url, which i
Uses a table with the first letter or an
Uses Image::Magick to create modificatio
Sometimes re-building a page may fail fo
Creates a new tag called MTEntriesExCat.
This plugin gives you a new template tag
Allows for easy filtering of category li
Container tag which allows use of a simi
Generic XML plugin for fetching and disp
Adds container tags for listing Entries,
Allows glue option to be available for a
Adds tags to make tables or containers f
Allows for different options if a field
Display image EXIF data along with image
This plugin allows you to store key/valu
KoalaRainbow is a visualization engine f
Parameter tags for templates invoked dyn
MovableType has conditional tags that ar
Spells out numbers. 1 becomes one, 22 be
The MTObfuscate tag and obfuscate filter
Container tag that reduces the size of y
This plugin enables , a tag for Movable
PoeticForm is a text-to-HTML filter; it
Allows MT tags to be processed inside of
Automated installation of the distribute
Generate a random Quote of the Day from
This plugin gives you a new Movable Type
Uses regular expressions to accomplish r
This is a plugin that provides the tag
This plugin adds spell-checking capabili
Adds several tags for expanding the MTCa
This plugin provides additional tags for
A Movable Type plugin that will take an
Show templates or template excerpts on y
A text-formatting plugin that uses HTML
Displays the time it took for MovableTyp
Allows users to halt or cancel building
This plugin adds a container tag to Mova
Adds a container tag for use in template