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What’s new in Movable Type 5.2


In Movable Type 5.2, with the added cloud computing environment support in place, not only do we have more flexibility in system development, but we can also realize the full benefits of the proper management of cost and resources, as well as the ability to create a more stable computing environment. On top of that, the rich text editor used for web pages and blogs has been completely revamped. Having an editor that is much easier to use with more functions makes updating and revising blogs and web sites much easier and faster.

From this update and onward, Movable Type has evolved into an incredibly flexible publishing platform, supporting everything from personal blogs to corporate web sites.

Supported browsers

Movable Type 5.2 official supports Google Chrome as well as the following browsers and versions:

  • Google Chrome (latest version)
  • Internet Explorer 8 and 9 (IE9 strongly recommended)
  • Safari (latest version)
  • Firefox (latest version)

Please refer to [this page] for more information on the computing environment necessary Movable Type 5.2.

New features

Corresponding nginx+PSGI

Movable Type 5.2 can now be used under the nginx+PSGI environment. This allows us to provide support over a variety of server environments, such as cloud computing virtual servers, CMS servers and content servers.

For nginx+PSGI installation instructions, please see the developer’s Wiki page.

New Rich Text Editor

The new rich text editor is implemented based on TinyMCE; easy to use, easy to edit.

Instructions on how to expand the new rich text editor implemented in Movable Type 5.2 are written in our developer’s wiki. Instructions on how to implement table functions in the editor using a plugin are also included.

Note: As TableFeatureForTinyMCE is an experimental function, official support is not available.

Sitepath restriction

Sitepath restriction is now available. This feature is most effective for medium to large websites.

SMTP Authentication

In Movable Type 5.2, email notifications can now be sent using authenticated SMTP.

Improved performance of custom fields; faster rebuilding times

The performance of custom fields have been improved, and as a result, blog entries which have custom field’s data can be rebuilt much faster than before.

Changes in Movable Type 5.2

Mandatory system email

The system email setting is now mandatory in Movable Type 5.2. If the system email has not yet been defined, Movable Type will prompt you to fill in the field upon upgrading. Select [System] >[Settings] > [General] and define your system email address.

New modifier added to <MTCalendar>

The starting day of the week on can now be defined by the user. By defining the desired day with the new modifier “weeks_start_with”, a calendar will be created with each week starting from that designated day. When the tag is used with no definition, the default week day start will be Sunday.


<MTCalendar weeks_start_with="Mon">

Modified config directives

The following config directives have been appended or modified:

Other changes

for more detail information about Movable Type 5.2, please see the release note
