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Installing Motion

We recommend using Motion templates only when creating new blogs, and not for existing blogs. Motion blogs are incompatible with dynamic publishing.

Install Motion the same way you installed Movable Type.

  • Installing Movable Type
    The steps for installing Movable Type are essentially the same as before, although now, in order to begin operating a Motion blog, when you create a new blog, you must make all template sets “motion template sets.”

  • Upgrading Movable Type
    Follow the same process as before to upgrade Movable Type.

Adding Motion to an Existing Blog
Change the template set in an existing blog to “Motion” only after you’ve upgraded Movable Type. Refer to the Template Sets documentation to learn more about how to select and apply these sets.

When you add Motion template sets, a variety of custom fields are added as well. Read more detail on About Customfields Added by Motion.

Getting Started

After you’ve installed, and before you begin running Motion, be sure to configure your initial settings according to the process outlined in Getting Started: Configuring Motion .


1 Comment

Dave Abrahams on May 8, 2009, 10:24 p.m. Reply

Install Motion the same way you installed Movable Type

What does “the same way” mean? Am I supposed to use the same procedure, but with a different download file?

I installed MT 4.25 developer’s edition. Do I have motion installed automatically? I don’t appear to (e.g. no “community settings” entry under “preferences”). Where do I get the file I need to install?