Getting Started: FacebookCommenters
To use Facebook Authentication for your commenters, you must have an active Facebook account to create an application.
- On the blog menu in Movable Type, click Preferences > Registration, and you will be redirected to the Registration settings page.
- In the “Authentication Methods” list, find the “Facebook” item and click the “Set up Facebook Commenters plugin” link.
- You will be redirected to the blog’s plugin settings page. In the plugin list, click on “Facebook Commenters” plugin name. A menu will appear. Click the Settings tab.
- If you already have a “Facebook Application Key” and a “Facebook Application Secret”, enter them here. If you don’t have these items, click the “Create Facebook App” link.
- Sign in to Facebook, and follow the steps to create an application. You must fill in the “Connect URL” item listed under “Connect”. Enter the URL of the Movable Type application directory or static file directory here. - Once you’ve created an application, you can get the “API key” and an “Application Secret” key for the application. Return to the Facebook Commenters plugin settings page in Movable Type and enter these keys. Enter the “API key” in the “Facebook Application Key” box, and enter the “Application Secret” in the “Facebook Application Secret” box.
- Click the “Save Changes” button. Your Facebook Commenters plugin settings are now complete.
- If you go back to the Preferences > Registration settings page in Movable Type, you should now be able to select “Facebook” as an authentication method for commenters.