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The following methods facilitate the storage and management of metadata; available when the ‘meta’ key is included in the installed properties for the class.


For object classes that have metadata storage, this method will initialize the metadata member.

Class->install_meta( \%meta_properties )

Called to register metadata properties on a particular class. The %meta_properties may contain an arrayref of ‘columns’, or a hashref of ‘column_defs’ (similar to the install_properties method):

MT::Foo->install_meta( { column_defs => {
    'metadata1' => 'integer indexed',
    'metadata2' => 'string indexed',
} });

In this form, the storage type is explicitly declared, so the metadata is stored into the appropriate column (vintegeridx and vcharidx respectively).

MT::Foo->install\_meta( { columns => [ 'metadata1', 'metadata2' ] } )

In this form, the metadata properties store their data into a ‘blob’ column in the meta table. This type of metadata cannot be used to sort or filter on. This form is supported for backward compatibility and is considered deprecated.


Deletes all related metadata for the given object.

Class->search_by_meta( $key, $value, [ \%terms [, \%args ] ] )

Returns objects that have a $key metadata value of $value. Further restrictions on the class may be applied through the optional %terms and %args parameters.


Returns the MT::Object class


Returns the Perl package name for storing it’s metadata objects.


Returns the source of a Perl package declaration that is loaded to declare and process metadata objects for the Class.

Class->has_meta( [ $name ] )

Returns a boolean as to whether the class has metadata when called without a parameter, or whether there exists a metadata column of the given $name.

Class->is_meta_column( $name )

Returns a boolean as to whether the class has a meta column named $name.
