Customizing Emails
The Movable Type Community Solution allows users to customize not only the published blog and web site pages, and public application screens, but is also allows users to customize the emails sent by the system to users and administrators to notify them about various events that have occurred. Editing these templates allows users to:
- insert advertising into their outbound emails
- introduce additional links and capabilities into their emails
- remove Movable Type branding and replace it with their own
To customize emails sent by the system, select “Email Templates” from the System Overview’s “Design” menu.
Please Note: HTML Email is not supported by Movable Type. Please restrict your emails to plain text.
Email Template Variables
Movable Type makes available for use in emails sent by the system a set of a variables that contain data pertinent only to the current email being sent. Listed below are the set of variables made available in each template.
Note: A description of the variable will be given only if it is not self-explanatory.
How to Access a Variable
To access a variable’s value in an email template use the <mt:var>
template tag, using the name of the variable you wish to access in the name
attribute. For example:
<mt:var name="ping_excerpt">
Comment Throttle Template
- blog_name
- throttled_ip - the IP address being throttled
- throttle_seconds - the ceiling (in seconds) between comments that will trigger the throttling mechanism
Share this Entry Template
- blog_name
- entry_title
- entry_date
- spacer_date
- send_excerpt
- entry_excerpt
- send_body
- entry_text
- sender_name
- sender_email
- entry_permalink
- message
- entry_edituri
- object_label
Commenter Confirmation Template
- blog_name
- confirm_url
- author_name
New Comment Notification Template
- blog_name
- entry_id
- entry_title
- view_url - the URL to view the published comment
- approve_url - the URL to publish/approve the comment
- spam_url - the URL to report the comment as spam
- edit_url - the URL to edit the comment
- ban_url - the URL to ban the commenter
- comment_ip - the IP address of the commenter
- comment_name - the commenter’s name
- comment_url - the commenter’s URL
- comment_text
- unapproved - true of the comment is not yet approved/published
- state_editable
Recover Password Template
- user_password
Commenter Notification Template
- blog_name
- username
- fullname
New TrackBack Template
- blog_name
- approve_url
- view_url
- spam_url
- edit_url
- ban_url
- ping_ip
- ping_url
- ping_excerpt
- ping_blog_name
- ping_title
- unapproved
- state_editable
- category_id
- category_label
- entry_id
- entry_title
- view_url
Verify Subscription Template
- script_path
- blog_id
- entry_id
- redirect_url
- blog_name
- magic