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Installing Perl Modules

Movable Type requires various standard Perl modules for functionality. Some are required and others are optional.

Check server system information by viewing the mt-check.cgi script to determine which modules are installed and which are needed. Once the Movable Type files are uploaded to the server, the mt-check.cgi script should be accessible at a url like this:

Follow these instructions to install additional Perl modules...

Linux, BSD, Mac OSX

Check out the CPAN guide to Installing CPAN Modules.

Here's an example of how to install the DBI and DBD::MySQL modules (required for a MySQL database) using the CPAN shell:

$ sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell
Terminal does not support AddHistory.
cpan shell -- CPAN exploration and modules installation (v1.7602)
ReadLine support available (try 'install Bundle::CPAN')
cpan> install DBI
cpan> install DBD::MySQL
cpan> quit

The official distributions of DBD::MySQL on


In Windows, install with ActivePerl's Perl Package Manager.

  1. Run Perl Package Manager from the Start menu.
  2. Install the modules required for Movable Type - database interface, etc. (Or "Install the database interface and the modules required for Movable Type"?)
  3. Once the modules have successfully been installed, choose Exit.

If the name of the module is unclear, run a search command. For example, to install the DBI and DBD::MySQL modules required to use MySQL, install using the following:

ppm> install DBI
ppm> install DBD-mysql

Active State's repository may not contain all the required modules. If necessary, please refer to other supplementary or third-party repositories such as
