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MT5 Documentation

MySQL Settings

Database creation and configuration, using MySQL as an example. SQLite and Postgres are no longer supported in the core and will require a plugin for use. Oracle requires the MT Enterprise pack.

Creating a MySQL database

These instructions are for creating a MySQL database via command line on the server. (Your web host may have a GUI for database management. Instructions for using phpMyAdmin to setup a database.)

The following steps require admin access to MySQL on the server.

  1. Log into MySQL

    $ mysql -u root -p
  2. To create a database named "mt":

    mysql> create database mt;

    Warning: As of Movable Type 5, Japanese is only supported with UTF-8. UTF-8 is the default character code for published blogs. To specify "UTF-8" as the character set when creating a database named "mt":

     mysql> create database mt character set utf8;

    If using Japanese language, the PublishCharset config directive must be set to UTF-8, otherwise text may appear garbled.

  3. Create a database user

    Create the user "mtuser" with the password "mtpasswd":

    mysql> grant all on mt.* to mtuser@localhost identified by 'mtpasswd';
  4. Creating a Database that uses phpMyAdmin

Database Configuration

Configure the database in the mt-config.cgi file which is found in the MT application directory.

A sample database configuration in mt-config.cgi using the sample values from Creating a MySQL database above. DBHost, DBPort, and DBSocket are advanced configuration options and typically only used in larger installations.

ObjectDriver DBI::mysql
Database mt
DBUser mtuser
DBPassword mtpasswd
# DBHost       # advanced config
# DBPort 6789                     # advanced config
# DBSocket /path/to/mysql.sock    # advanced config

Read documentation on each database config directive:

Note: This document is available in Japanese
