



An Atom Publishing API interface for communicating with Movable Type.



Takes the content posted to the server and parses it into an XML document. Uses either XML::LibXML or XML::XPath depending on which is available.


Converts $iso_ts in the format of an ISO timestamp into a unix timestamp (seconds since the epoch).


Initializes the application.


Processes the request for WSSE authentication and returns a hash containing:

  • Username
  • PasswordDigest
  • Nonce
  • Created


The implementation of this in MT::AtomServer::Weblog passes the request to the proper method.


Wrapper method that determines the proper AtomServer package to pass the request to.

$app->iso2ts($iso_ts, $target_zone)

Converts $iso_ts in the format of an ISO timestamp into a MT-compatible timestamp (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) for the specified timezone $target_zone.


Processes the request as Atom content and returns an XML::Atom object.

$app->error($code, $message)

Sends the HTTP headers necessary to relay an error.


Checks the WSSE authentication with the local MT user database and confirms the user is authorized to access the resources required by the request.


Returns an XML wrapper for the error response.

$app->auth_failure($code, $message)

Handles the response in the event of an authentication failure.


    callback($eh, $app, $entry, $original_entry)

Called before saving a new or existing entry. If saving a new entry, the $original_entry will have an unassigned 'id'. This callback is executed as a filter, so your handler must return 1 to allow the entry to be saved.

    callback($eh, $app, $entry, $original_entry)

Called after saving a new or existing entry. If saving a new entry, the $original_entry will have an unassigned 'id'.
