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Plugin and Theme Directory

Six Apart

Action Streams

Action Streams for Movable Type collects your action on third party web sites into your Movable Type website. Using it, you can aggregate those actions for your reference, promote specific items to blog posts, and stream the whole set to

E-mail Retitler

Overview This plugin makes it easy to customize the subject line of emails sent by Movable Type. ## Installation 1. Move the EmailRetitler plugin directory to the MT plugins directory. Should look like this when installed: $MT_HOME/ plugins/ EmailRetitler/

Facebook Connect Commenters

The Facebook Connect Commenters plugin for Movable Type allows commenters to login to your blog using their Facebook account. It makes use of the Facebook Connect APIs to provide a rich user experience. Commenters are able to automatically bring their name, profile photo, and friends with them when commenting on a blog running this plugin.


MT Fogger is a Movable Type interface to FogBugz. The plugin exposes a set of template tags that make it possible to query and display information stored in FogBugz within your Movable Type templates.

Linked Entry Custom Fields

This plugin converts custom fields created by the RightFields plugin [1] to Movable Type’s native custom fields. It also provides an additional custom field type that RightFields provided: the linked entry [2]. [1]: [2]: ## INSTALLATION ## Unpack


Building out, testing and evaluating Movable Type is relatively useless without test data. Users typically generate this themselves, but even so, this does not give anyone and accurate sense of what your blog will look like with 1000 entires, pages

Picnik Photo Editing

Picnik is a free service that allows for users to edit photos online, much like you would using popular photo editing tools like Photoshop. The Picnik plugin for Movable Type provides a seamless integration with this service and allows you

Post Office

Post Office is a plugin for Movable Type that allows users to post to their blog via email. It works by connecting Movable Type to an existing email account, like GMail or any POP or IMAP compliant mailbox, and periodically scanning for messages to post.

Template Hammer

Want to simplify your templates to remove all of the includes? Just smash ‘em with the Template Hammer, and you’ll get flat HTML versions of your templates with just the basic MT Template Tags needed to output your site. It’s

Unrecognized Tags

The Unrecognized Tags plugin is a tool for identifying all tags in use across all templates system-wide that Movable Type does not recognize.

iMT - iPhone Interface for Movable Type

This plugin automatically provides a customized and specially designed user interface for Movable Type 4.x and 5.0 users accessing their Movable Type installation via their iPhone or iPod Touch (should also be compatible with Android-powered phones).


Reblog is a Movable Type plugin that parses Atom and RSS feeds and transforms feed entries into Movable Type entries. Imports can be run either manually or in the background using run-periodic-tasks.